Charlie POV #10✨

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Despite having a conversation with Owen and Lilly about leaving Aubrey alone tonight, and just enjoying the wedding, the two of them tried everything to get us to talk. Whether it was Owen moving our name cards around at the table, or Lilly recommending the two of us dance, it seemed the two of them didn't plan on giving up anytime soon.

"Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, we're gonna slow it down for this next one," The DJ announced; I was currently standing with Lilly on the edge of the dance floor. When our friends weren't trying to get us to speak, they were switching around, going back and forth between Aubrey and me. Lilly nodded goodbye before quickly shuffling onto the dance floor to dance with Owen.

"Hey," Tori walked up behind me; avoiding her had proven to be difficult; at dinner, it was either sit next to her or Aubrey. Obviously, Aubrey wanted nothing to do with me still, so I chose Tori, much to my dismay, "Do you wanna dance?" I finally looked at her, furrowing my brows as if I was questioning whether she was being serious or not, "Do you want to dance?" She repeated; it was clear she wasn't leaving without a response.

"I heard you," I say, shaking my head in disbelief, "I just thought you weren't serious."

"Of course, I'm being serious," She giggled, grabbing my arm flirtatiously, "Charlie, I always thought there was something between us, and now that you're single, we can finally give it a try. What do ya say?"

"you're kidding?" I ask, pulling my arm away. She sounded seriously insane right now; how was she not getting this, "Tori, there was never something between us," I inform her, putting air quotes around something, "and there never will be; you ruined the greatest thing in my life, all because of some stupid crush you have on me. So, the answer is no; I don't want to dance with you, not now, not ever." Part of me felt guilty for being so harsh, but for the most part, I felt relieved; I'd wanted to say these things to Tori for months; it felt like a weight had lifted taken off my shoulders once I finished.

"Aubrey is never gonna take you back," Tori reminded me; her flirtatious tone had vanished, turning into a nasty one, "she avoided you like the plague tonight; so, quit wasting your time on her, and focus on us." I took in an annoyed breath; I'm typically very patient, but right now, I can't deal with her.

"You know what, Tori, you should dance," I smiled, my eyes landing on the perfect partner for her, a few feet away.

"I knew you couldn't say no," She smirked, straightening her back; I grabbed her hand, guiding her over to the side of the dance floor.

"What are you doing, the- "

"Tori, this is Billy, Jeremy's younger cousin," I cut her off, pointing at the 14-year-old boy; Jeremy had introduced Owen and Me to him earlier, and the younger boy couldn't stop gushing over the four girls we had at our table. "He is going to be your dance partner," I moved Tori's hand, placing it in Billy's outstretched one.

"Malady," Billy bowed, placing a kiss on Tori's hand; I held back a laugh as Tori cringed; revenge was sweet.

"Have fun, you two," I yell as Billy drags Tori onto the dance floor; she shoots me a glare while Billy mouths thank you. I move back, going to sit at our empty table.

"Hey boys, I thought we could take some group pictures; I already took some with the girls; I was hoping to get one of us boys before the sun goes down, which is pretty soon. Can you meet me up on the balcony upstairs in 5? It's the last door on your left." -Kenny

My phone dinged, signaling a message from Kenny in our group chat; I was the only one who's read it so far, considering Jeremy and Owen were both on the dance floor currently. Owen was dancing with Lilly, peacefully swaying the two of them back and forth. While Jeremy, who I assumed would be dancing with his new wife, was dancing with Aubrey. I paused to watch them as they took turns spinning one another around, and although I can't hear them over the music, I can see they're laughing hysterically. I would go over and tell them, but no matter what it means interacting with Aubrey, who looks genuinely happy right now, it'll only get awkward if I go over. So, I exit the reception hall, following the directions Kenny sent. No one was there when I got there, but I knew they would be soon, so I leaned my arms against the railing, my eyes focusing on the view ahead. From here, you could see the nearby beach and the sun that was nearly beginning to set; it felt nice being outside in the fresh air; I hadn't realized until now just how stuffy the reception hall was. Not long after I got here, the door behind me clicked shut; I assume it's one of the boys, but when I turn around, Aubrey is standing at the door, staring at me with wide eyes, her hand already reaching for the door handle.

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