🔥🏳️‍🌈Five x Male!Reader

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Ohhhhh this will be interesting....

Concept: Just like Five you are stuck in your teenage body(meaning Hormoooones), but unlike Five, it's because you stopped aging. You were one of the special children born on October 1st, 1989, and a part of your powers is that your age stopped. You can shape shit into anything, and can change single aspects of what you look like. You were never adopted by Reginald, but after meeting you in the commission, Five brings you along. This is after both apocalypses and we'll pretend the ending of season 2 was just the world returning to normal instead of the cliff hanger...

    H/L= Hair Length
         H/C= Hair Color
          E/C= Eye Color
       M/N= Male Name
       L/N= Last Name
    F/C= Favorite Color
     F/F= Favorite Food
   F/D= Favorite Drink
     B/D= Birthday
    B/M= Birth Month

Type: Smut bbs.

Warnings: Mention of Hitler, S*x, horny Five, rope kinks, blind folds, degrading.... enjoooooy

Third Person's POV:
It was a normal day of life in the academy. Diego and Luther were fighting over nothing, Vanya was playing the violin while Allison and Five listened, Klaus was talking to a random spirit whilst getting high, and M/N was playing babysitter for number 1 and 2(I couldn't stop laughing like a grade schooler). "Oh come on! M/N, will you tell him he's being ridiculous!" Diego yelled, hoping the loveable sarcastic male they've all grown to love as a brother would take his side. "Luther, you're  being ridiculous." The man agreed, slowly sipping his iced coffee, whilst watching the scene unfold. Luther sighed in annoyance. "Oh come on it was his night to do the dishes! I dont give two flying shits if he was with Lila(protect this bean)!" M/N huffed and rolled his eyes at the childish behavior from the man.

Vanya, Five, and Allison, having stopped their mini concert moments ago, all stood at the doorway watching in amusement. The argument quickly escalated to yelling as the E/C eyed male stood and took his place between the space monkey and off brand batman.

"Ok dipshits. How about we get our junk outta our hands and start having some common fucking sense? He was with his girlfriend, what ever. They haven't seen eachother in almost a year, ease up a little, god. And Diego, ya gotta understand where he's coming from. I understand that it's frustrating he won't listen, but he's your brother, so it's his job to be a bitch sometimes. Now can we calm the fuck down before you both give me a headache?"

The two guys looked at eachother, then M/N, nodded then put their heads down in defeat, feeling sorry they made the H/C upset.

Five silently watched M/N, as his sisters laughed away at their brothers childish antics. Seeing the male so frustrated and taking charge made his heart quicken, his shorts getting slightly tighter. Damn hormones, he thought sourly, wont leave me the fuck alone. He sighed slightly, knowing it would only get worse if he stayed in the same room as the boy with the iced coffee, so he turned around and walked out, leaving a confused M/N behind.

M/N's POV:
I watched as Five walked out of the room after staring at me and sighing. I was confused. Had I done something wrong? That would be the last thing I'd want to do, is upset Five. He was the first person to actually try to understand me. When The Handler paired us up as partners while we were still in the commission, we both hated it. But as time went on we warmed up to each other, and I started to developed slight feelings for the teleporting ass. I excused myself from the kitchen, walking up the stairs to Five's room. The door was open, so after knocking three times, pausing, then knocking two times, I let myself in.

"Hey skin crawler." The odd nickname he gave me flew through the room. He started calling me 'skin-crawler' after he found out my powers. So instinctively "Hey portal boy." slipped out of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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