Chapter Five

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A month passed. Everything is good. School's fine, although it's as stupid and boring as ever. Brendon and I have become best friends. Brendon's band is even getting better.

I look down at my phone, pressing the unlock button. I have two missed texts from Brendon.

Brendon: Hey, do you want to come over?

Brendon: I need your help.

I text him saying I'll be over as soon as I can. I pull on my red hoodie and slip on some flip flops. For mid October, it's still warm.

When I arrive at his house he's standing outside, leaned up against the house. The mere sight of him is relaxing.

"Hey," he greets, and opens the garage door. I walk in and plop down on the couch next to a large stack of papers and Brendon's guitar.

"What'd you need help with?" I ask as he sits down next to me.

"Lyrics. The song's called 'lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off.'"

"Oh, good name," I say sarcastically. "So tell me how it goes." He takes a breath and begins to sing.

Is it still me that makes you sweat?

Am I who you think about in bed?

When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as your sliding off your dress?

"That's really good. I like it".

"You do? Really?"

"Yes. Now sing some more. I like to listen to your voice," I say.

He does and I feel mesmerized. Mesmerized by his voice and his face and his being and just him. He makes me feel like some other unearthly being when I'm around him. Like I'm something unknown to man and feel things the human race never has before. I wonder if I make his heart beat the way mine does when I'm with him. If I make his brain go haywire the way he does mine. I wonder if he's ever thought of us together.

He plays a few more songs for me. Eventually I make myself comfortable my laying on the couch with my head hung over the edge and my feet on the back. Brendon looks down at me, and smiles.

"What have you been up to?" He asks.

"Well," I stare at the ceiling, "I've been at your house most of the day." I laugh.

"I like your laugh, you know? It's cute." He says, and scratches the back if his neck.

"Well, I like yours too," I say, trying to conceal my smile and complete giddiness. I don't think its working.

I continue to look up at the ceiling. Brendon speaks up again. "I've never noticed how pretty your eyes were either."

My eyes met his and he lays down, mimicking my position. He was so close that if one of us had the mind to we could kiss. But he didn't and I couldn't find enough bravery to.

"I never noticed how much of a dork you are," I say, playfully slapping his arm.

He sighs. "You wanna watch TV?" I tell him sure, and he gets up to find the remote. I realize then that maybe he was hinting at how he felt about me. If that's the case, then I just lost my chance to return the favor. I could've told him, but instead I had to call him a dork. Stupid.

We watched several episodes of Cops on TV before I decided it was time to go. When I tried to tell him, he stopped me in mid sentence.

"Yeah but, do you want to go get something to eat tomorrow? I mean, if you don't want to that's fine I just thought-"

"Are you asking me on a date, Brendon?"

"If you want it to be," he replies.

"We'll see," I said with a wink.

"Good. I'll pick you up at 8. And wear a dress."

I told him I would and walked out to my car. I was smiling the whole way home. When I pulled into my driveway my cheeks were beginning to hurt. When I went to go to bed, I practically danced up the stairs and even fell asleep smiling.

If you love me, don't let me go (Brendon Urie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now