Part 24-Bold Move

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(Dedicated to jasmine20113 for being the first person to comment and probably the first person to read this when I first started it.)


I walked carefully as I held a flashlight in my hand, scanning the trees to see if we were in anybody's territory. Abby stuck close to me, but didn't touch me. We were extremely quite, and suddenly, I heard a noise.

"Shh.." I said to Abby. "Hmm?" She said, taking out an earbud. Really? I thought. We're basically on some rescue mission and she's listening to music.

"Be quiet." I said and I grabbed her hand in mine. She turned off her phone and stuffed it in her back pocket of her back jeans. We stopped in our track and listened.

And I felt the presence of 2 wolves. I knew without turning around they were rogues. I could smell their horrible scent. They were probably 20 metres behind us, and if we don't run now, they could easily catch us.

It was dark, and I couldn't see well without being a wolf. I slowly tugged on to Abby's sleeves. She noticed it too. I was about to shift when they turned around. They probably thought it was a waste of time to attack us. We quickly sped away from them and started sprinting for about 20 minutes until we felt secure.

"You okay?" I asked Abby. "Yeah, they stink so much I don't know how they survive like that." I grinned. "They smell like skunks." I commented. "They probably lives with skunks. She joked and we laughed.

"Help!" I heard a faint voice say. It sounded very close and very female. "Help, anyone here? We're lost!" another female voice said. I squeezed Abby's hand because I couldn't see her and we cautiously walked towards the voices, using the faint light of the moon.

The flashlight was too bright for a dark night like today, and we could be easily seen. I bumped into another person, and pulled her against me before I could see who it was.

"Oh," it was the voice that called for help not too long ago. I let go of her immediately."Uh... are you lost?" I asked the person whom I couldn't see.

"Yes. We were walking in the forest and we got lost." she said. Hmm... my wolf thought. Something was odd in this. What kind of an explanation was that. A lie. But I pretended I wasn't smart enought to know; instead, I wanted to know if she was a werewolf.

"Uh... do you have a pack?" I asked carefully.

"What's a pack? A pack of what?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, i meant a bag, do you have a bag, but it's okay, I just remembered I have some." I stuttered to lie. My wolf suddenly howled at the absence of Abby. Where was she? The girl in front of me leaned her head against me. Uh, ew? I held both of her shoulders and pushed her back.

"Can you bring me home?" She asked. "Uh..." Where was Abby; she's good at excuses! "Do you have any food on you; I'm hungry and my sister and I have been out here for weeks, wait that doesn't make sense... days. Right, days." she corrected herself.

I felt a tug on my backpack. I quickly grabbed the hand thatw as trying to steal my granula bar. I pull it and the girl in front of me screams. "Ouch!" she said, then was silent.

I zipped up my bag and said, "Why are you trying to steal my food?" She didnt answer. Instead, she wrenched her hands awat from my grasp. I quickly fumbled for my falshlight and shone it in front of me. And the ugliest beast I've ever seen was standing there.

She had the head of a wolf, and her body was slowly shifting. Liar, I thought. She was a werewolf. I wondered which pack she belonged in. But my answer was given to me without words. I looked at her tail, and it was ruby red.

"Sh!t." I cursed, and started running away from the hideous beast. "Abby!" I called. I felt paws chasing after me and I ran faster. My wolf wanted to take control but I blocked him. I need to do my best to, show off. "James!" I heard Abby said to my right.

I swerved to the right. just missing a tree and behind me, I heard a crash. I turned on my flashlight and shone the floor in front of me until I see a dead wolf at my feet with a red tail. I side stepped it and there I saw Abby, panting and bloody.

"Abby!" I rushed to her and pulled her against me. She rested her head on my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around her, not caring if the blood got my 'costume' dirty. I craddled her face and placed her forehead close to mine.

"What happened?" I asked. She reached behind my back to grab my bottle of water and took a small sip. "You know thoses two girls calling for help? Yeah, they're rogues. The bigger one put her hand on my mouth and pulled me away from you while you were talking to the little one. Then she transformed and tried stealing my supplies. And the worst of all... she's a Red End." she shivered.

"I know." I simply answered. She was getting cold and I could feel that her wolf can't support her. "James, I'm cold." she said. Well, duh. I leaned closer to her as we sit down, and I gently placed her on my lap. She cuddled closer to me and I place an arm around her, proteecting her from the wind.

She tilted her head and gave me a kiss on the lips. I craddled her, happy she was bold enough to do it back. We pulled back and she said, "That was for being with me out here even though you knew the risks." I smiled, even though I knew she can't see my face.

She became heavier; she probably put her whole weight on me, and I knew she was asleep. I leaned against the tree trunk and take my phone from my pocket. 11:46 pm, it read. I took out a granula bar and ate the first half.

I then woke Abby up and fed her the rest. Yeah, wolves survive on their own; this should be easy. But I'm also part human too, right? So don't think that this is easy stuff.

I pulled out a large blanket and covered it over our bodies. Now I really hope to find Alpha Jase soon; this is really driving me uncertain and unsafe. I was awake all night, until I realized the light was coming up. I had been so worried about Abby's safety I couldn't sleep. When the first birds started chirping, I fell into a tired sleep.


I woke up at around 8 in the morning. I tilted my head upwards and looked at James' sleeping face.

Everybody has a sleeping face. Some people look peaceful when they sleep, others look dangerous and scary. Well, James is a bit of both. His eyebrows are furrowed, but his mouth kind of curves into a small smile.

Don't even mention his mouth.

The kiss we shared was a secret. Why did I kiss him you asked? Well, I was cold and felt alone, and I needed comfort. Something to distract me from the chilly night. I decided to go back to sleep, maybe wake up in the afternoon when it's more brighter and I could search for Joseph.

Oh, Joseph... we're coming for... I'm coming for you, wherever you are.


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