•September 1•

115 7 4

• time skip you are all ready on the train•

    Hermione was reading the newspaper while we heard a lady yelling. "Anything From the Trolley Dears!". Once she came up to our compartment it was our turn. Ron got his snacks and I did too. Harry was last but I saw him make a small weird face at one point. I asked him what that was about and supposedly Cho Chang cut up and then proceeded to smile at Harry with a small blush. That's pretty weird if you ask me. While I was drinking water we stopped on accident and I spilled it all over my bottoms and it look as if I pissed myself! So I got up and went to loo to change into my robes, for it was the only other clothes I had to wear. (rolled up sleeves and the shirt is tucked in)

 (rolled up sleeves and the shirt is tucked in)

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In the loo I overheard people gossiping. "My mother told me there is a big surprise this year". I wasn't sure if it was true or not but I was hopeful. When I headed back to my compartment I told Harry,Ron, and Hermione the rumor I had heard. We also started coming up with ideas of what it might be.
Half an hour later, I realized that I had fallen asleep. So there were quite a few hairs sticking out from my head. I patted them down and then noticed that Ron and Hermione were asleep as well. Harry though was staring out the small window.
"Harry? Everything alright?" I asked him.
"Yea, everything's fine," he said,"Just wondering what's going to happen this year."
"Oh, well I hope nothing as bad as the last 3 years like seriously we just need one calm year." I replied ending the conversation.
    An hour later, we had finally arrived at Hogwarts. Kids were rushing out and even pushing each other to get out. Me being one of them, I also sorta left Ron,Harry,and Hermione behind. I just had to see what all the commotion was about. Looking to my left the trio were standing next to me so I scratched the back of my head and gave them a apologetic look.
Next thing you know there was a big "Ship" coming out of the water! Then there was a carriage pulled by Pegasus flying through the air. Everyone was in awe. I mean who wouldn't be.
*small time skip to their entrance*
"Now that we are all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make a announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..." Dumbledore was speaking until Filch disrupted him," So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament. Now for those of you do not know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school a student is selected to compete. Let me be clear,if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beuxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madame Maxine!

"Bloody Hell!" said Ron when the girls were jumping.
"Blimey that's one big woman!" Seamus told Ron and Harry.
I mumbled under my breath,"I personally think they all look like stuck up b*tches." Hermione and Ginny laughed, I guess they heard me.
"And our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff !" said Dumbledore

Then I overheard Ronald basically fan-girling over Victor Krum. Also all the girls were in awe of the guys "good" looks. I for one don't think they are cute, I mean a buzz cut seriously. But I decided to tease the guys so I whispered to Hermione and Ginny to start saying some stuff about their looks when the performance ends.
"They sure are something." said Hermione.
"Definitely, they don't compare to most of the guys here." said Ginny.
"Totally, they are so cute and I'm not sure what makes so mysterious and that's soo hot." I said making sure the twins,Seamus,Dean,Ron, and especially Harry heard me.
"They're not that impressive!" said Harry.
"Yea, we are definitely wayy better." Fred said while running a hand throwing their hair.
"Yea!" said the rest of the guys.
    *After Dinner*
While you were reading in the common room, you received a call on your secret phone. An unknown number was calling you. You had a bit of a suspicion of who it might be and sure enough you're right.
"What do want?! I told you to not be calling me anymore! Especially after what you did." I shouted into the small phone.
"What? Can't I call my only sweet dear sister! And it's not my fault! I didn't have a choice! You know that, I did it to protect you!" said Garrett.
"How the bloody hell is joining the Death Eaters going to protect me?! You know what goodbye!" I yelled into the phone.
And with that the phone call ended.

A/N: OMG, when I first imagined the story I was going to make her a only child like me irl but I wanted more spice and drama!
So Giselle does have a older brother by 2 years his name is Garrett Hill so yea! Thomas Dorthy will be his face claim, you may know him as Harry from descendants 2 & 3.

A/N: OMG, when I first imagined the story I was going to make her a only child like me irl but I wanted more spice and drama! So Giselle does have a older brother by 2 years his name is Garrett Hill so yea! Thomas Dorthy will be his face claim, yo...

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      (He got your father's eyes)

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