First days suck

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I woke up to an unfamiliar smell. Pancakes. I groaned as I got up and searched for some pants. I hated school and everyone there. I looked in my closet and got a grey shirt and threw on a hoodie. I grabbed my beanie and ran downstairs. I stopped when I looked and saw my mom cooking pancakes.

"What's the occasion" I asked.

"Just eat" she replied with a stern glare.

I hated her. She was so nice and loving before but my stepdad changed her into a strict mother. Sure we had more money because of her hard work at her new job but new parenting wasn't helping. I ate half a pancake when the bus honked loudly. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my backpack. I ran out the door and onto the bus. I quickly took an open spot at the back of the bus. I sat down and leaned my head against the window. I lived so far from my school so it would take about an hour to get to school. I let myself daydream. I looked up after about 40 minutes and saw every seat had about one person. I leaned back to the window and stared out. After a while someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey is this seat taken?" He pointed to the empty spot.

"" I replied. I looked as he sat down and tried to get comfortable in his seat. I quickly checked him out being the creep I am. As I scanned him I stopped at his face. He had such a great jaw line. And his eyes were a beautiful grey. I was in awe of his face. I only had a view of the side but I was still in awe. He finally turned to look at me and I quickly felt my cheeks become hot.

"I'm... Mat." He hesitated then finished his sentence.

" What's your name?" "Oh im." The bus stopped and everyone crowded off the bus. In the confusion of the girls and guys meeting up right in front of the bus because it was the first day of school I had lost Mat. I took out my schedule and sneaked past everyone hoping that I wouldn't be seen.

"Oh my god! Its the fag! He came here?!" I heard a frilly voice yell. I ran into the school to avoid Jessica the bitch queen. I glanced at my schedule and darted down the hallways to my first period. I came to science class and ran in. I sat down as I heard the bell telling kids to go to class.

"You're early" I heard a voice. I looked up to see a woman dressed quite nicely.

"Oh yeah sorry about that." I replied. People began to pour into the class and take seats. I was glad I sat in the back because I hated the front. The periods past in a daze and soon it was lunch. I had managed to get back seat in all my classes and stay out of drama. I decided not to eat at lunch and then finished the day. When I was walking to the school bus a hand turned me around. "Hey fag! Is it really you?" I turned to see Nathan. We used to be best friends but he got into the cool group and became a jerk. He flicked my forehead and walked away. "I honestly hoped you were dead" he said coldly. I walked to the bus and slumped into a seat. I lost all the hope I had for today and stared out the window. I was pooped and wanted to go home as fast as I could. The bus took off and I drifted asleep. I awoke to the bus driver yelling at me to get off the bus. I grabbed my bag and got off quickly. I made it to my room while avoiding my mom. I slumped down into my bed and thought about the day. The day could've been worse I concluded. I stayed away from almost everyone and... His face invaded my mind. I remembered that kid from the bus Mat. I thought about how he was nice and was absolutely gorgeous. I quickly dismissed the thought as I said

"He's just going to find out I'm gay and hate me like Jessica and Nathan." I dismissed everything and played video games and fell asleep on my bed. I awoke to a cold room. I got up and got dressed then slumped into a seat on the bus. After a while a hand touched my shoulder. I quickly turned my head and saw Mat.
Sorry that this chapter is so short I've been having writers block but I couldn't wait to get this out so here ya go! Enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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