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what a chick i am


dawn where have u been girl???
sierra studying has been killin me
courtney u look stunning tho
yujin nahh honestly

heather how is the weather
sierra it is so fucking hot
dj sounds so nice
sierra it is
cody looking delish
sierra i know

mahlia u missed drama
sierra not surprised honestly

ezeikel who is she?
owen the one and only sierra

gwen she didn't even miss much
trent jst shut up
gwen make me
trent i rather not

beth the drama wasn't even spicy
sadie it was so sad
katie i wanted to cry
sadie you did cry

sierra cody pls explain
mike long story short
bridgette u ain't cody
mike i can b anyone and anything
geoff not her man
bridgette does it involve u?

cody duncan broke up w courtney
cody bridgette mentioned that geoff kissed her sister
cody unsure about alejandro and heathe
alejandro we broke up
izzy we knew that

sierra say swr
leshawana this is what we have been dealing with
harold not involved in that we
dj lol

heather i hope they die
dawn focus on her post
scott hard to
sierra who are you again?

duncan u lot clearly don't know
heather we know a lot
duncan keep assuming
alejandro leave her alone
heather how about you leave me alone

courtney gorgeous x

noah duncan is right
noah you guys don't know anything
cody defending him now?
duncan i am not good for her
gwen excuses

duncan you lot are judging me for doing what was right. i have a high probability of returning to jail. i can relapse at any time. i don't want courtney to go thru that bc i am selfish. plus it doesn't involve none of you so keep your pussies close.

mahalia he has a fair point
owen you would know
izzy owen cut it out

lindsay we are all friends so stop it
trent let them lindsay
tyler they like drama
justin and me too

heather courtney is hurt
duncan she is strong

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