Love me

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Asahi's POV:

So, Noya has a girlfriend. Me and him decided to take a break in our relationship because it really wasn't working out anymore, we agreed to get back together after we focus on ourselves but Noya has already found a replacement for me until we get back together.. if we do.


 I slowly picked up my phone to see who was calling me, "Nishi" i was about to decline but for some reason my hand did the opposite. My heart dropped when i heard Noya's voice. 

Noya: Hey Asahi..

Asahi: H-Hey Noya..what do you need?

Noya: I-I wanted to talk about us..our relationship status..

Asahi: Ok..What about it?

Noya: W-Well..Do you still love me? Because if not let's fully break up.

Asahi: I-I do still love you..but you love your girlfriend..

Noya: I never said i love my girlfriend. I dont have to love her to date her.

Asahi: You dont love her?

Noya: nope, i love you, i just didn't want to be lonely during our break..


Noya: so wanna get together?

CLIFFHANGER BITCHES! I am writing this while im in school so i dont have autocorrect so dont judge- should i make a part 2 of this?

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