Chapter 1

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A butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore

  Teacher's always told me that once I got out of high school time would just fly by. I would go from awkward fumbling high schooler to a mature well rounded adult with a degree in anything I wanted. Well time hasn't really flown by as of yet. I'm still stuck in a desk, pencil and paper in hand, mind focused on the lecture our professor was giving on body language. I'm not going to lie to you, human sciences is by far one of the easiest classes I have ever taken. 
  The literal definition of human science is  the study and interpretation of the experiences, activities, constructs, and artifacts associated with human beings. Professor Miles said it was:
"The domino effect of humanity!"
Or something philosophically equal to that. 

  A class was a class none the less. And so I listened intently as Professor Miles rambled on about the development of brains over time, and how that would in turn effect the choices we made. "Like wether or not to study for my class." He chuckled, no response from the class of 20 or so young adults ,who were waiting anxiously to be released for the day.
 "Ah," He took a quick glance down at his watch then smiled back at us."Alright. It is about time I announce your project for the semester."  

  This was only the second week of my sophomore year at West Austin College, my second week of this crazy waste of time, a crazy waste of time that was about to take up even more of my precious study hours. Grand. 

  Many of my class mates agreed with me in the form of groans and cursing under their breath.

"I know that a project is not what you all need right now, but trust me this will be worth it. It will help you form connections with people from all walks of life." Professor Miles had a certain spark in his eye as he began to form his next sentence. "You will have the entire semester to complete this project." It was as if a giant weight had been lifted off the entire classroom. One guy from the back even cheered. He got a good laugh when the professor asked him to keep his butt glued to his seat. 

  "You each have been assigned to a random individual from town. People from all walks of life. Men. Women. Old. Young. Rich. Poor. All have volunteered to assist you in your project." I started jotting down notes. " You will be conducting interviews, getting to know them personally, testing their personalities, learning about who they really are with the material you will learn in this class." 

  The class broke out into an excited buzz as the professor began passing out cards with our "partners" information on it. When he reached me he took in my full page of notes, there were at least two more prior, and gave me a small smile that made his well worn smile lines break out. "Here you are Ms. McLeod." 
  The paper was flimsy and no larger than a common flash card. I quickly jotted down a note to scan it onto my computer later. The hand writing was a little sloppy but I was still able to decipher the following. 

Name: Ollie Chapple
Age: 17        
Year of Schooling: 11th         
Carrer: none son       
Reason for Participation: Why not?It would be
nice to know who I am.                          

  Ollie Chapple. The subject of interest. My project. 
"They will be here next week. If you wish for earlier contact come to me after class. Dismissed." Many students rose and shot out of the lecture hall in a flash. I went down towards Professor Miles. It was time to meet Ollie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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