𝟬.𝟴 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝘀

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play 'feeling whitney' by post malone. 

it's been sometime since your attempt and you finally were on your last set of bandages. your mother took the initiative to redo your room slightly to help you move on from your experience, she bought you a new mattress and some new tapestries and posters even some new art supplies. no one has left your side since you got home, rin would always be playing games next to you or watching videos, your father would take you out for drives and your mother would draw with you. the realization was strong for your parents, you started antidepressants a week after you got out of the hospital and found a new therapist of your choice that you visited twice a week. it would take sometime to feel yourself getting better but for the first time you believed that you had people by your side. 

iruka stopped by your house and the first thing he did was bring you into the biggest hug you could imagine. you could tell he wanted to cry but he refused too, he thought of you as one of his own... most likely because his wife was unable to have children. on the bright side him and his wife were looking into adoption, hearing that sparked joy in you because to you everyone deserved happiness. even yourself. 

kenma tossed the empty roll of bandages in the garbage and hooked the connecting piece to each side of the fabric, "your last bandage, are you happy?"

you rubbed your wrists and looked him in the eyes, "yes."

he brought you off the bathroom counter and intertwined his arms around your body, "you're visibly getting better."

he was right, though the medication made things worse before they got better your eye bags have started slowly fading, your skin was getting better and your weight was improving from the help of your nutritionist. you couldn't lie to yourself, you felt better and it's been awhile since you've experienced feeling good. 

together you and kenma shredded your note to him. it was your way of trying to move on, these thoughts wouldn't disappear immediately but they certainly weren't as frequent in fact they were pretty rare. you've learned a lot from it, you had people that care and people that need you, you had a future and you were loved by more than just one. 

"it's summer now... i can't believe it," you mumbled. 

"more free time for us all, we get to wave aiko and kuroo off soon."

that's right, aiko and kuroo were leaving. they both got accepted into the same college and were renting a house together about an hour and a half away. 

"i'm really proud of them," you whispered. 

kenma agreed and sat down on the edge of your bed, "me too." 

kenma's live streams were starting to pick up now and it made you happy seeing your friends becoming successful all you had to do was work for your success now. for your last year at nekoma you decided to take all your classes you needed to fill your credits in the first semester and then do a placement at nine tails for a majority of the second semester. you planned on going to college for a art course and then take an online business course to pursue your dream of opening your own shop. 

"oh, behind me? that's my girlfriend," kenma answered one of his viewers. 

you poked your head up and waved slightly, "hey."

the weeks went by so fast, it was spent well. you went to some parties, went for drives often and went on some road trips, had multiple sleepovers and of course worked. this summer was aiko and kuroo's last summer before departing for post secondary school, they could both agree it was fun. 

your bandages were officially off for good, the antidepressants have kicked in properly and you could finally say you felt better than just 'okay'. you and kenma's one year was coming up quickly, it was only four months away. 

kenmas livestreams have gained more popularity and he's started planning to create a game or two, you were pretty excited for him! you've been practicing tattooing more on iruka and fake skin quickly improving. you two were both on the road to success. 

today was the day that your two best friends left, you got dressed into a red t-shirt that was oversized so it acted like a dress and your black converse. kuroo was putting boxes into his new car and aiko was saying goodbye to her parents, once she walked over you ran over to her. 

when she layed eyes on you she smiled, you were genuinely happy. she could see it in your face, your dark circles were gone, you looked healthy. your skin was glowing and no longer dull, your eyes had more emotion but still had the tired look, that made her chuckle you've always been sleepy. aiko could say she was proud of you for beating your own mind even if it took years for you to do, you were lighter and no longer had the dark cloud hovering over your head. 

"i'll miss you!" you added while you squeezed her. 

she laughed and squeezed you even tighter, "i'll miss you more, [name]. we'll be back for visits!"

you nodded and grabbed kuroo violently pulling him into a hug, "i'll miss you too."

he patted your head and rubbed your back, "i'll miss you too, be good!"

you nodded into his chest and pulled away, "have fun you guys!"

as the car pulled away aiko rolled down her window, "we're proud of you!" 

you smiled warmly and waved showing acknowledgment. 

you and kenma sat on your roof in the dark looking at the moon, it was still pretty. kenma had his arm around you and he smiled seeing your eyes shine, it was something he's never seen before. you found someone that was life long, you both were too in love to let anything get in between you two. 

"you know? i've been looking for someone to put up with my bullshit..." you quietly said. 

he turned his head and let you finish speaking, "and i think i've found that someone."

he tugged you in closer and kissed your cheek. you had him wrapped around your finger but he had you wrapped around his finger too, you would do anything for each other. in the end it was all worth it, the was growth and improvement. 

this great thing was almost too good to be true, but the question would this end happily or painfully still lingered in your mind.

end of chapter nine. 

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