Info on the siblings

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Twin Brother: Fuyuki Tokoyami
Age: 16
Quirk: White Raven
His quirk allows him to summon a shadow monster made of light from within his body. Fuyuki gains power just by being in light, sunlight and even moonlight, any kind of bright light will give him power. But like his brother he's lost control a few times in his life, it's the worst moments he's ever had. Since there's light everywhere he has to hold back his power when he summons his shadow. His shadow can be used for attacking and defending, the brighter the light the bigger and stronger his shadow gets. But if he's in a dark or shaded area his quirk will weaken and won't be as strong or as big. His ultimate moves and techniques are quite similar to his brother's but he has his own special moves that can help him go against his brother and others.

Personality: Kind, quiet from time to time, a little emo, brave, caring, loving, makes jokes once in awhile, supportive, and loyal.

Likes: Likes to tease his brother, play with his sister, train with his brother, apples, peaches, play guitar, play piano, sing, read poetry, and spending time with his siblings.

Dislikes: Dislikes bullying, bullies, his brother and sister being picked on, being underestimated, seeing his family get hurt, seeing his sister or brother cry, leaving people behind, getting in fights, and arguing with his brother.

Dislikes: Dislikes bullying, bullies, his brother and sister being picked on, being underestimated, seeing his family get hurt, seeing his sister or brother cry, leaving people behind, getting in fights, and arguing with his brother

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Little sister: Akina Tokoyami
Age: 3
Quirk: Light Creatures/Light Manipulation
Her quirk allows her to manipulate all the lights of any kind and she can even create creatures out of light. She doesn't need a source of light she can make light from her body. But from time to time she will need light to give her power, especially if she's in a place that's too dark, any kind of light will work. She can't control her quirk as well as her brothers if she throws a tantrum her quirk will go off and it'll become a devastation. Even if she cries her quirk will activate and she will do more harm than good. Her brothers try to keep her as calm as possible even if she gets too happy or excited she'll lose control.

Personality: Too young to tell.

Likes: Likes coloring, grapes, playing hide and seek, being with her brothers, hearing her brothers play instruments, hearing Fuyuki sing, bedtime stories, lullaby's, riding on her brothers backs, riding on Dark Shadows and White Ravens back, and seeing her brothers use their quirks to make her happy.

Dislikes: Dislikes peek-a-boo (makes her scared), people yelling, her brothers fighting (even if their training), seeing her brothers fight with people, seeing her brothers lose control of their quirks, her losing control of her quirk, hurting her brothers with her quirk, hurting people with her quirk, and her brothers hurting each other or others when they lose control.

Dislikes: Dislikes peek-a-boo (makes her scared), people yelling, her brothers fighting (even if their training), seeing her brothers fight with people, seeing her brothers lose control of their quirks, her losing control of her quirk, hurting her...

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TWIN BROTHERS & THEIR LITTLE SISTER Where stories live. Discover now