In the very morning in the center of Sunny Riches a resource-riched land with a population of robotic beings who live under a royal family in the 20-story castle; a sunrise is seen and illuminates a wonderful room in whom that very center of that space lives someone and whom we'll find out.
"Waaaaake up champ" a voice so very loud no person can even take it, but this princess can "Ahh khakis, laddies, and very colorful panties what the heck is going on here" a very surprised, just-sleeping, tired princess still in her crumbled silver metallic nightgown. "Wake up now" the very loud gal already at the step of the bed "Come on do you know what very special day it is"
"The day where I finally retire from this royal family crud"
"Hmmm" the princess now in a inner cheery mood "The day you got asked out by that cute knight in the first floor"
Ducker now blushing intensly in a squeaky loud voice "Umm what are you talking about"
"Well if I had to guess what today was is uuuuuhh"
Now realizing what the very important specifc day it was. Now she was going to have to deal with.
"Oh man, my coronation to be queen today oh and my mom's retirement day too uhhhhhh." Now getting out of bed in a terrible looking manner "Well aren't you happy to be queen of this kingdom"
"Well yes but no since I have to have so many responsibilities and I mean I'm just a kid moooom"
"Come on you get to be Queen of this place" playing cheerfully with Pinkweaver "Imagine the very good stuff of this place just the fun we'll both have once we can access what's within these walls and beyond and by 'beyond' I mean the basement" Now implying in a mysterious tone with a enthusiastic look.
"I told you there's nothing down there but old family junk."
"Oh sure but I'll find out and I'll see what super duper scaaaaarry secret you got hidden in the deep deep dungeon"
Pinkweaver now looking at her friend all cheered up just smiling at her while her antics go on.
"I'll find out" sneaking out the door in a very snarky way now just leaving
And now gone....
"Well time to get ready for royalty" in a happy sarcastic tone
Lifting herself of the bed and falling on the stone floor in the process
"I'm fine, I'm fine"
Rushing towards her closet opening the doors seeing what gowns or dresses to get for the later ceremony that she so despises. 'Like seriously why did she had to do this it's so much work on such a little child... well I mean I am a grown 24 year old woman but still living with your parents your entire life and them being so overprotective' she entirely thought to herself.
(Knocking on the door)
"Honey I'm here let me come in"
Her mother now at the door
"Oh sweety how are you" now coming in her room "Ah my little daughter now a grown little queen" Now Pinkweaver blushing furiously.
"Oh to think when I built and gave birth to you I knew you were going to be such a pretty queen and now *sniffling* oh its your all grown up and you'll have to rule by yourself now"
"Okay mom I get it I am a pretty queen now let me pick a dress"
Pink's mother now noticing her angry tone " Is anything wrong sweetheart"
" It's just this is so much and this is to much pressure on to me to be of queen an entire remote kingdom where nothing happens and just where boring people are living just being boring"
"Well listen honey yes we put you through this at a young age but this is part of being a royal family especially on your mother's and father's retirement day so straighten up and get ready and stop hating everything good we throw at you and enjoy what you very have here with us your family" Now leaving slamming the door with the anger given to her by her own daughter's resentful words of being in a family that gives everything to its own loyal people.
"Huh she'll never understand" Now she looks up the window and sees some of her friends in a crowd of metal robots.
"Oh my good friends are out their" she says while she rushes at the open window staring at the far border of her kingdom.
A lady is now with her arms at her lower hips looking up at the tall towers of the castle
"Well this ought to be nice" said a short, red painted, enjoyable lady named Capeway.
"Please let this be nice and hopefully good event unlike the very last arranged concert of these hubkeepers" all said in a rude way by a certain red painted, jerk-of-a-robot, who tries to be a know it all brat named Redweaver, brother of Ducker.
Suddenly making a streaking noise through the air *Splash* A waterballoon strikes Redweaver right on the back of his head
The angry robot speaks up after splashed by a water balloon in the face
"Who the brat did what rat did that"
Now a certain other red robot tries to hold her laughter in being the one who threw the water-filled balloon. Her name is Burngal.
"Oh well" Now putting her arm around Redweaver with a smile "Get what you get and don't throw a fit" Everyone is now just laughing even the bystanders who saw the entire event unfold.
Now in rage Redweaver is so mad so he shoves Burngal towards the path on his right.
Then before a hard plummet on her face she is caught by a strap of arms on her shoulders.
"Whoa dude watch it" Now letting go of Burngal letting her fall on her face from 1 foot in the air.
"Oh hey rat cleaner how's your cleaning on the sewery streets going"
Now that victim who received those harsh words is leaving a smoldering look towards Redweaver the rude dude of the gang
"Well you perfectly know my name is Litterjob *proceeds to throw a toilet plunger at Redweaver* trashweaver"
Now everyone is again laughing at the funny scene in front of them even 18 mouth old robot baby is laughing from the sides on her mother's arms
"Shut up" demanded the man with the plunger in his face
"Oh right fine oh and anyways you going to the coronation tonight at Pinkweaver's castle"
"Well yes we are her very friends of course and we even got this very small yet very presentable invitation cards she handed us out made from the very best mechanic in this land"
Everyone now taking out their card holding it up for Litterjob the 'city janitor' to see, and to his surprise once the cards were open they all shone in an unnecessary amount of bright lights and played Oh so loud pop music from the huge speaker located inside the card.
"Geez, Louise man all that unnecessary lighting and that ear raving pop music. I feel like Helen Keller." Now he's just picking his ears still hearing that deafening music while going to his next work station to pick up litter and trash left by the town members.
"Well everyone let's just go to the castle and enjoy whatever soul taking performance they are setting up"
Now the sun rising in the distant sky fixed on a crowd of people heading. Walking all the way north to the castle coronation where all are wearing in nice clothing and beautiful dresses but this is a kingdom of metal robots so remember anything can happen in a world like this one...Even if a certain Captian Pontiac was looking through the trees....
Princess In A City Of Galbots And Palbots-Story One: The Beginning
AdventureHere we are in a royal city in a royal land run by royal people everywhere you ride and see is royalty then there are the people here who run everything called robots since there is no official term for the people they live in a society where group...