Part 1

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Feelings that come back are feelings that never left


Friends who buy you food are friends for life


We all had that one friend that turned into a stranger


When your happy, you enjoy the music. When your sad, you understand the lyrics


Do you ever miss how someone acted when yall first met

Yah me too


Always be careful of what you here about a girl. Rumers either come from a guy that can't get her or can't compete with her


Do you ever wonder how many people notice you? But you don't notice them because your to busy noticing someone else that will never notice you.


Do you ever suddenly stop liking somebody that you liked a lot and realize how terrible of a person they are and how blinded you were by how much you liked them


The "ignoring each other" game can turn into the "never hearing from me again" game reaaal fast


Just remember if your ignoring her, your teaching her to live without you


Every time I gave a f*** that f***, f***ed me over


If she flinches when you go to put your arm around her....someone else's hand wasn't so sweet... If she questioned you.... Someone else lied to her....if she doesn't tell you things.... Someone else once betrayed her secrets... Behind every complicated girl or every girl that is afraid to love.... Is a girl tired of being broken.




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