Chapter 10

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Lilith whirled around and took another slice at the Nymph she was fighting, only just barely grazing the tough wood skin protecting the Nymph's evil insides. Around her, Atticus and Leona were working together, Atticus was holding on too Leona's hand as he zipped around, stopping only to let Leona set fire to a Nymph's long Vine like hair. Eloise was sneaking up and shooting the Nymphs from behind, making small Chinks as she went, She looked around for the others but couldn't see them. She continued to make small attacks on the Nymph she was fighting. Slice, run back, Slice, Run back. She thought, aiming another blow to the Nymphs head.

By this time the fighting had moved into the forest as the Immortals and the Nymphs began spreading out, she focused on their location, she picked up their noises of fighting from different points in the forest, and went into their thoughts. Guys they're trying to spread us out. She thought, Hoping the others could hear. Try to get them back to the barriers if you can. And with that she began to focus on leading it back. "Why do you want me so bad?" She asked, trying to rise its temper into following her. The Nymph growled and lunged at her as Lilith shifted to the side and took off running, She was just near the edge of the forest when she heard a familiar shriek. She stopped and turned around to see... Bailey? What is she doing here? Lilith wondered, Without thinking, she threw the Nymph that was advancing upon Bailey aside, with such force and anger that she heard the Nymph hit and knock over a tree somewhere in the distance.

In saving Bailey she had forgotten about she Nymph she was trying to stay away from, she watched Bailey run into the house before a searing pain spread from beside her left ear all the way down her arm and hand. She shrieked and fell to the ground, watching the Nymph jump on her with a look of satisfaction on its face. "Now Amell will know the pain of losing someone he loved just as I had" She dug her claw like hands deeper into the cut, just enough to make Lilith cry out in pain again. The nymph looked up, and ran off into the forest. She saw a red wolf run up in front of her, it's eyes wide with terror. The wolf shifted into Juniper, he ran towards her and dropped down beside her. "No" she heard him muttering, "no, Lilith stay with me. Please, don't die." Lilith ran a finger along the side of her face, Juniper moved it away, And Lilith saw the blood on her fingers were green. "You'll be ok, I just need to find dad." He looked desperately around and Lilith nodded off to a deep sleep.

Juniper looked down at his little sister, she can't die. Juniper thought. Please, she can't be the first to go. He looked around and saw his dad with Alex walking down to the house. "Dad!" He called out, Their dad looked over and ran towards Juniper, Alex following behind. "What happened?" He asked, looking over at Lilith. "I- I don't know" Juniper stuttered. "There's still time, come on" He said, looking over at Alex.

"Dad I thought the venom killed them within seconds!" Juniper asked when they had gotten Lilith inside.
"Not for immortals, it can still kill them but it takes at most 10 minutes, Hand me that green paste" He added.
Juniper picked up a small jar of light green paste. He watched his dad open it and begin spreading it all over Lilith's wound, which he had cleaned a few moments before. "It is normally a more painful death for immortals than it is for humans." He finished and stepped back. "Now all we can do is wait." He stepped away from her and walked over into the living room, over to Bailey who had run into the house minutes earlier. "Will she be ok?" Bailey asked, her soft blue eyes filled with concern for her friend. "We think so. Why are you here?"
Juniper asked her, she looked over at Atticus, who was holding her hand. "I had invited her over before we found out about the attack, and when we did find out, I canceled." Bailey looked over at the floor and said, "My apartment had shut off the connection and I wasn't able to receive texts. It's my fault that this happened to her, But what was that?" She asked, Looking over at Amell.

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