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"Wake up you losers! It's Christmas!"

Sophie and her friends woke up to the triplets jumping around the room they were sleeping in and screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Mom said that we can't open presents till you guys get downstairs," Bex said. "So, hurry up!"

They all left, causing Sophie and her friends to get out of their sleeping-bags and making their way downstairs.

"Okay, you can all grab your gifts and dig in." Kesler said once they were all downstairs.

After Sophie had gathered all of her gifts—including the Secret Santa gifts—she had eleven in total.

"Group one is opening their gifts first," Biana said. "That means Sophie, Keefe, Wylie, Maruca, and Fitz."

They all opened their gift and Sophie smiled at what they'd gotten her. It was an Abbey Road Beatles record for her record player.

They'd also gotten everyone else good gifts too. Keefe had been given canvases and paint, Fitz had been gifted a very expensive wallet, Maruca had gotten a beautiful, yellow dress, and Wylie had gotten a really cool watch.

"Okay, it's your turn," Sophie motioned to group two after the excitement had settled down

Everyone opened their presents and gasped at them. They'd gotten Dex some games for his Nintendo Switch, they'd gotten Tam both the books and Movies of the Hunger Games, Linh got a lamp that lit up in sunset colors, and they'd gotten Jensi a Starbucks gift card.

"Now you have to open your real presents," Grady said.

And that's what they did.

Everyone tore open their gifts and loved everything that was inside.

From Grady and Edaline, Sophie had gotten a cute snow-globe, a fancy outfit, and some jewelry. From Alden and Della, she'd gotten a brand-new iPhone—they'd gotten one for everybody. From Kesler and Juline, she got a cute dress. The Chebota's had gotten her a discount card on their foods at their shop. The Babblos's gave her some homemade essential oils. The Songs had painted her a pretty scenery—it wasn't as good as Keefe's art. And Alvar had gotten her some airpods.

Sophie had thought she'd opened all of her gifts, but then she saw Keefe motioning for her to come over.

"Yes?" She asked, sitting down beside him.

"This is from me, to you," He placed a small, velvety box in Sophie's hand.

Sophie's eyes widened as she took the box. When she opened it, there was a ring on the inside.

The ring was absolutely gorgeous. Three silver strips wove through each other in a braid-like way, and the two sides met together and held small, diamond heart. On the inside of the ring, there were words etched on it. The words said: I promise.

"I love it," Sophie breathed, slipping it onto her middle finger. "It's beautiful."

Keefe smiled. "I got it so that you'd always know how much you mean to me."

Sophie couldn't help but laugh as she pulled a small, wrapped gift out of her pocket. "I guess we both had the same idea."

Keefe blinked as he grabbed the gift. He unwrapped it and revealed a promise ring that Sophie had gotten him.

It was black and silver, and a little bit thicker than Sophie's. Also, on the inside, Sophie had engraved: Promised Forever.

"It's awesome," Keefe said, ogling over it. "I love it." He slipped it onto his finger and grinned.

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