Under Cover in Soviet Russia

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    After returning to the safe house we were briefed on the next mission. With the help of a double agent, Belikov, Adler and Bell were preparing to infiltrate the KGB headquarters.
    It was the most dangerous mission yet and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thankful to not be part of it. Lazar was put on exfil duty and park was handling comms which gave the rest of us one free day in Moscow.
     I couldn't help but be excited. I started putting together some ideas in my head of what what to do. Once we were released I headed straight for Mason.
    "What do you think of a free day in Moscow together?" I smiled.
    He looked a little surprised at not only my question but my cheery disposition as well.
    "I think I better go get ready for a free day in Moscow." He smirked.
    My smile got even wider. I turned on my heel and headed straight for my things. I freshened up and got dressed in record time. I took advantage of being able to wear what I wanted and went for something more fashionable.
    "Are you ready?" Mason called from behind me.
    I turned my head to see him leaning against the doorway to the bunk room where I stood finishing up my hair.
    He lifted a set of keys and jingled them lightly.
    "I made some arrangements."
    I followed him outside to where a '69 Ford GT was waiting for us. It was a striking orange with a set of black stripes overtop.
I looked over to Mason to see his charming smirk.
We both hopped inside and he started the engine. It had a nice purr to it. I wasted no time and cranked up the radio. The Stroke by Billy Squier played from the speakers and we took off.
Mason turned to me.
"Where to?"
   A devilish smile crept across my face.
   "The nearest bar. I'm in the mood for some chaos."
He returned my mischievous look and we began driving faster. He shifted gears expertly as our speed climbed higher and higher.
I felt on top of the world as my hair blew in the wind. Mason seemed to share my sense of adventure and it was refreshing. The loud music and high speeds had my heart pounding in the best way possible.
"What if we get pulled over?" I shouted over the loud engine.
"It's Russia!" He replied simply.
We were royally fucked if we got into any trouble but neither of us seemed to care. I could practically hear Hudson yelling at us but when you lead a life like ours, living on the edge is the expectation.
    We slowed to a stop on the street beside a shady looking bar. The best kind. Mason walked around and opened my door for me. My heart soared at the sweet gesture but it was quickly drowned out by my hunger for mischief.
    "A little wild for one in the afternoon huh?" Mason commented on the shouts and loud music from the packed bar.
    "It's Russia." I smirked before walking ahead to the door.
    He chuckled softly and followed me into the bar. It was packed with people and drinks were being passed around carelessly.
   I rushed over to a table covered in shots of straight vodka. I picked one up and threw it back effortlessly. I ignored the burning in my throat and pulled through with a face of stone.
    Cheers rang out around me as I set the glass back down on the table. I winked at Mason playfully. He was a few feet away from me, watching me with that damn charming smirk of his.
    I began making my way over to him when I was cut off my a very intoxicated man. He thrust a vodka shot into Mason's hand. He looked at it for a moment before taking it with ease. With the way he reacted you'd swear it was water.
    "Impressive!" I exclaimed as people began cheering for him as well.
"Not so bad yourself." He replied smoothly.
I bent over to pass him another shot when I felt a hand grip my ass.
"Hey!" I turned around in shock.
I only got a glance at the creepy man behind me before Mason's fist connected with the side of his head. He and I stared at each other shocked by what happened.
"Stop! Police!" A man with a badge shouted at Mason in Russian.
"Oh shit." I laughed.
I grabbed Mason's hand as to not lose him and we shoved through the crowd. We burst through the door and piled into the car. Within second Mason took off down the street. We both laughed in ecstasy from the situation.
"That was crazy!" I shouted out.
"Hell yeah it was! Are you okay?" He shouted back.
"Yes. Thank you by the way."
We locked eyes for a minute. Mason seemed to be thinking about something and he stared as if my eyes held the answers.
"I've got an idea." He said suddenly quiet but still that same smirk.
We continued to speed through the streets until we stopped outside a storefront. I looked through the glass windows to see racks and racks of fancy dresses and suits. We both hopped out and headed inside.
"What are we doing?" I asked curiously.
"Trust me. Find a dress real quick."
I was skeptical but I did just that. Mason headed in a separate direction as my eyes fell upon a long pale blue powder slip dress with matching shoes. I quickly picked the dress in my size and a matching tie and went to the register.
    After swiping my card, Mason walked up with black dress pants and shoes with a white button up top. After he payed we headed back to the car.
    "What the hell are we doing?" I asked in confusion.
   "We're crashing a fancy Russian wedding." He replied nonchalantly.
   "Alex Mason you are my type of person." I smiled.
    We stopped briefly at a gas station to change and we were on our way. We pulled up outside a massive, expensive looking venue that we had passed before. People were filing inside in extravagant clothes and expensive cars. Thanks to Mason's quick thinking we fit right in.
    After parking the car he walked around to my side to open my door. I stepped out carefully and placed my hand in his arm. I felt like a movie star.
    We walked confidently to the door where we were let in without question. I surveyed the massive venue. It was decorated beautifully. Loud music played from speakers all around us.
    I pulled Mason with me to the dance floor. He didn't fight me but he looked a little uneasy.
   "Fawn I can't dance." He shouted loud enough so I only I could hear.
   "Neither can I!" I laughed. "Just go with it!"
   He smiled and shook his head. He let me lead him into the crowd and we followed their lead. We jumped around and moved to the music.
    I couldn't help but look at him. He was already very attractive but he never looked better than when he was really happy. This was out of both our comfort zones but there was no one around us that knew enough to judge so what reason did we have to care.
   Once we'd tired ourselves out a bit we made our way to the bar for some actual drinks. We settled at a table together for a break.
    "This was a great idea!" I said as I took a swig from my drink.
    "No kidding. I never thought I'd be dancing and partying when I got shipped to Berlin." He replied.
We finished off our drinks as a slow song began to play. Couples began to move toward the dance floor and I couldn't resist.
I looked over to Mason, pleading with my eyes. He glanced over to the dance floor and back to me.
"Come on." He smiled.
He stood and lead me over. I laced my finger behind his neck and his hands found their way to my waist. We fell into sync with the couples around us.
"Thank you Fawn. I needed this." He said softly.
A tight smile fell upon my lips as I looked into his deep brown eyes. I wrapped my arms all the way around his neck and laid my head on his chest. Being with him felt different. It was special.
He pulled me in tighter and we swayed to the music. I wasn't sure if it was just the alcohol in my system but I didn't want to be anywhere else. My heart longed at the thought of not being with him.
Mason's phone began to ring in his pocket. He pulled it out and Hudson's number was displayed on the screen. He reluctantly pulled away and flipped it open to answer.
"Hello?" He answered.
He listened for a few moments and his face began to twist into frustration and disappointment.
"Alright I'll let her know." He said before flipping the phone shut.
"We have to go. Bell and Adler just got back and we have to be in Cuba in just a couple hours." He said softly.
   "Damnit okay." I replied dejected.
   We hurried back to the car. Be both changed back into our clothes from before. The alcohol buzz kept away any shame or awkwardness.
    We sped back to the safe house right in time to grab our things and jump into the helicopter with Adler, Park, Lazar, and Woods. This was the end of the line for Perseus.
I'll try to get out another chapter tonight!

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