Chapter one

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"Kit" kurama speaking
'Kit' kurama thinking
"Kit" human speaking
'Kit's human thinking

Pain. His whole body was in pain. He had been caught by the villagers. He wasn't able to get to the forest fast enough before they caught up to him. Every part of his body was either covered in blood and dirt or some sort of wound. Weather it be a scar burn mark or gash.

As his vision started to go black he saw a bright flash of orange light. The pained screams of the villagers beating him filled his ears as well as loud footsteps running away. Someone landed in front of him and just before he fell unconscious he could make out what seemed to be a weasel shaped anbu mask.

Time skip no justu

The steady beeps of the heart monitor next to his bed was the only noise that filled the room as the old Hokage sat next to the bed of his surrogate grandson. The anbu that saved him, Weasel, aka Itachi Uchiha was also there. A small groan broke the silence causing both to look over at the small boy laying in the bed. The boy sat up letting the white blanket slide off his bare chest. He was surprisingly toned for a six year old. I mean spending all his time avoiding villagers and skilled shinobi does that. The clothes he was wearing before were covered in blood and  torn to shreds so they were disposed off leaving the boy in just his boxers.

This boy was none other then Naruto Uzumaki. Jinchuriki of the nine tailed beast Kurama. He had already became well acquainted with the beast after passing out from exhaustion and ending up in his mind scape. The fox had told him of his heritage which he soon asked the old Hokage about who gave him more information about his parents. But that was three years ago.

"Jiji my head hurts" Naruto mumbled clutching his head. He finally opened his eyes staring at the wall a few feet from him. His eyes unable to be seen by the two older males. "Hey jiji why does everything look so weird?" Naruto asked finally looking over at the two. They both gasped at Naruto's eyes though Itachi hid it better then the hokage.  "Naruto what happened to your eyes?" hiruzen asked. His eyes looked sorta look a sharingan only they were.. Different? Naruto finally noticed the anbu in the room. "Hey it's you. Thank you for saving me y'know. I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you" Naruto said." I'm surprised you were able to remember him. From what I was told you passed out as soon as he got there"Sarutobi said.

That's nice but how do I get everything to look normal now?" Naruto asked. At this Weasel stepped forward. "Do you know about chakra?" he asked earning a nod from the blonde. (I know how to deactivate the Sharingan and what not just don't know how to explain it so yea.) Now that Naruto could see properly and his eyes we're back to their normal blue they had shushined over to the orphanage to get him so more clothes. Naruto knocked on the door waiting for Ms. Mary the 'mom' of the orphage as she calls herself to open the door. The door opened eventually but it was her at the door it was Mike. A chubby brown haired boy who just seemed to have it out for Naruto even though he was three years older then him.

"What are you doing here demon? You know your not allowed here this early" the nine year old sneered. "I simply came to get more clothes since we you can see I'm half naked" Naruto replied. Mike who was about to make another rude remark noticed the hokage and the anbu
standing behind Naruto. "Uh yea hurry up. You know how Ms. Mary gets" Mike stuttered.
The hokage and Weasel followed Naruto inside. They were foolish to think he'd stop at one of the rooms when instead he led them up into the dingey attic that he called his room. If it could win be considered that. All that was in it was simply two ragged mattresses with torn sheets and blankets on them.

Naruto walked over to a small closet while the older two stood quietly watching him. As he was digging around they noticed what seemed to be a few girls clothing items mixed in with his.

Once he had put on a new shirt and shorts Hiruzen decided to ask about the clothes. "Naruto, why are there what seems to be girl clothes in there?" "oh right they're-" he cut himself off as the color seems to drain from his face. He had soon bolted out of the building with the hokage and Weasel close behind. As people saw the hokage and an anbu chasing the boy they assumed the old man had finally decided to get rid of the demon and simply smirked before going back to whatever the hell they were doing.

Naruto continued to run straight into the red light district not slowing down at all but actually speeding up to the point even the hokage and an experienced anbu member had trouble keeping up with him as he ducked in and out of alleyways. He eventually stopped near a wore down building where the two found him standing in front of the door almost bracing himself for something. He finally knocked on the door and waited.

A few moments later a girl around his age with shoulder length green hair opened the door. Once she realized who it was she glared at him before hitting him causing him to fall backwards. "Naruto you idiot. You can't just leave like that one of these days your gonna give me a heart attack" she said continuing to rant about how angry she was at him. Hiruzen and Weasel only stood awkwardly in the back watching the encounter.

The girl finally noticed the two standing there and stopped her ranting to stare at them briefly. Before returning to yelling at the poor blonde. All throughout the red light district the shriek of 'why didn't you tell me you were bringing company' was heard. Mostly everyone just snickered already knowing who that was before going back to their business.

~time skip~

Hiruzen and Weasel where now standing in the half cleaned run down apartment while Naruto was cowering in  the corner with a couple bruises decorating his body. The culprit of said bruises was smiling all to innocently. "Can someone explain?" weasel asked. "Oh right. I'm Mirai aka Naruto's best friend" Naruto finally crawled from the depths of his corner the bruises seeming to have disappeared." we technically I'm his only friend" she added making the blonde scowl at her.

"Wanna explain what's going on here?" Hiruzen asked. "Oh yea Mrs.Mary  was planning on kicking Naruto out and since we're a packaged deal I was gonna go with him" Mirai said. "And since I wasn't gonna be able to stop her we were gonna fix up this place" Naruto finished. "But why in the red light district?" the old man asked the question they were both thinking. "Well it's safer here for me since as long as I deliver packages on time they don't bother us not really care who or what i am. Plus most of them are nice to us here"

" nice to you? " weasel asked receiving a nod from both children." what are these packages you deliver? " Hiruzen asked." we don't know. If we wanna get the full pay we aren't allowed to open it." Mirai said." when they hand us the packages they're usually wrapped in multiple layers but the packages the older ones get isn't" Naruto added. "I don't get why they feel the need to do that. I mean it's obvious that the stuff is drugs but ya know" the blonde said rolling his eyes. "That's stuff smells vile" Mirai said cringing.

"Anyway we gotta finish with the place since my birthday is coming up and Mrs. Mary will probably get rid of me then" Naruto said. The old man and Weasel offered to help and since it seemed they wouldn't back down the kids accepted.

~time skip~

They had finally finished the house and since this was still the red light district they couldn't make the outside look like one in the village. But thanks to the help from the hokage they were able to get the place fully furnished and fix the lights. As of now they were sitting in the living room. Well Naruto and Mirai were seconds away from falling asleep. They would've been asleep already if it went for them fighting it. "Go to sleep you two" Hiruzen said only earning a couple tired nods. Soon both of them had fallen asleep and after locating a blanket both older males left the house.

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