Chapter two

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The one with the hood on the bottom row is Naruto's outfit at the academy and Mirai's is gonna be next chapter. This chapter is gonna be kinda rushed so fair warning. I just wanna skip the that part my brain has made multiple scenerios for.

The next day hiruzen asked a certain blonde crotch gremlin if he wanted Itachi to train him but the kid on my agreed to it if his Phsycotic best friend could train with him. So the old man agreed to it and now a Scarecrow in a dog mask and an Uchiha are training Naruto while Mizu (a random oc with the anbu mask of a...lizard...yea) and a crazy snake lady are training an already Phsyco six year old cuz why not.

Basically their new routine consisted of them being woken up at the ass crack of dawn. Before being dragged to a training ground and worked into the ground until the literally pass out.

Couple weeks later the uchihas much to Tobirama's joy are murdered and crow face kidnapped the blonde crotch gremlin to further train him leaving  his only friend (sad really) alone😔. They both joined the Akatsuki Itachi as a spy as Naruto as someone who was sorta being taught the way of the group of s-ranked crack heads where he met his long lost brother fem bakuhoe. He also met the Pope but that's a story for another day. Plus he tried to convert our baby into worshipping jashin so yea.

And no the pedosnake doesn't know of his yet to be named doujustu not like he'd be able to get it anyway since kurama. Well maybe he doesn't you'll have to find that out later.

Anyway time skip like basically six more years a few weeks before Naruto is scheduled to return he stumbles upon a poor defenseless, damsel in distress,  (jk jk) newborn fox kit. Which he stole and named Kaaru since his fur looked like fire and he's very unoriginal with names.
Naruto: your the one who came up with the name
Tobi/me: stfu and go with it
Naruto: no you over here slandering my good name
Tobi/me:good name my ass now stfu fishcake before I make you
Naruto: your an asshole
Tobi/me: (insert accent) you forget boy that your at my mercy. I could make you life from here a living hell just by moving my fingers so I suggest you pipe down and start acting like the obedient little puppet you are
Naruto: ...
Tobi/me oh and I found a name for your eyeball. I'll call it (dramatic pause) Aoimoku
Naruto: blue eye? Really?
Tobi/me: (insert accent) what have I told you about talking back boy?
Tobi/me: And if you don't like it how does Aiburu sound?
Naruto: eye blue? You just switched the words around!
Tobi/me: kittoburu?
Naruto: you not even know how to pronounce that. I doubt anyone reading this will
Tobi/me: shut up and stop breaking the fourth wall
Naruto: but-
Tobi/me: no buts we're sticking with Aoimoku and that's final
Naruto: fine 😒

Tobi/me: sorry to anyone who had to witness that so excuse me for a quick commercial break
And now timeskip to when Naruto made it to the village

And here our blonde child was in the the old man's office waiting for the exams to finish since Itachi had already tested him and he passed as rookie of the year... Somehow. So he was merely waiting for his team to hurry their butts up and get it over with so he can see his only friend again. And this is where this trash ends and the actual story begins.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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