Chapter 8

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A/n: wahhh i thought i wouldn't be able to update again since i struggle in opening my wattpad account since yesterday hehehe but gladly i was able to open it now

Please enjoy this new chapter.. And also thank you for everyone's support i really appreciate it.. Enjoy reading minna-san ≧ω≦


"so? Why are we going at okinawa again?" mitsuki said ..they we're currently in a private bus that was provided by president yaotome

"It's our vacation.,we should spend the most of it" nagi said cheerfully

"he was right.,we are always busy with our idol works.. We don't get to have gathering offenly let alone a vacation with other idols" yamato said looking at the scenery outside

"the last time we we're at okinawa was for work.. Now we will go there for vacation so relax yourself guys" gaku said

"mhm.. It was fun though singing 'natsu shiyouze' with trigger" riku said smiling widely

"yeah, if it isn't because of idolish7 we don't know if we can still sing it happily" ryuu said

"we we're really shock when trigger ask us to sing with them in stage" sougo said with a smile plastered in his face

"i litterally teared up that time i was like 'wow is it my birthday' man, you guys really are the best" mitsuki said while chuckling lightly

"nii-san you were really cute tha--" iori was about to say something when mitsuki cut him off "shut up dont say it!" mitsuki said loudly

"shh, keep it down the others was sleeping"
Tsumugi said at the back beside her was the other managers

"were sorry" the izumi's replied

"well im actually surprised that trigger's president agree to this and he even lend us this private bus" yamato said

"that's because he angered our eroero beast here" gaku said and snickered and ryuu just chuckled at this

*yawn* "i kinda feel sleepy" riku mumbled

"you should sleep nanase-san.,the place we're staying is still far so rest up,i'll wake you up when we arrive" iori said

"please do., i'll sleep" riku said and close his eyes


"sitting there for hours was tiring" tamaki said while stretching

"you we're sleeping the whole trip you know" sougo said

"we should get going to our hotel.,since it's already sunset it would be getting dark sooner" yuki said

"ehh?! I was hoping to swim at the sea immediately once we got here" tamaki said while opening the lid of his pudding

"now, now tama. You'll get a cold if you swim at night" yamato said and pat the younger's head

"let's get going" anesagi said and the managers lead the way..

When they arrive at the building of the hotel that they were going to stay.,unfortunately there are only 6 rooms available

"as you guys heared only 6 rooms are available now" momo said

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