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You were sleeping next to your husband Sami Yaffa the bass player for Hanoi Rocks. Sami was sleeping peacefully while you were whimpering like a little lost puppy. Sami heard you crying he shook you tried to wake you up. You  wanted to wake up from this horrible dream but you couldn't. You open your eyes slowly seeing the love of your life looking at you. " What's wrong love nightmare ? " he asked. You nodded yes feeling scared to death you didn't say anything Sami pulled you close to him rubbed your back gently pulling  you close to him. " You wanna talk ? " he asked you shook your head no him wiping the tears from your eyes and covering you with kisses. He kissed your neck he knew you loved that because it tickles and made you feel better. You didn't say a word you were too upset he hugged you for a while until you fell back to sleep in his arms.  Your head on his chest your favorite spot you played with his nice soft hair he held your hand. He held you the rest of the night you knew you were safe in Sami's arms. You definitely had the sweetest husband ever.

Sorry it's short and sweet that's all I could come up with I was tired

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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