"The love we never had"

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Sibel !

" he will come running as soon as he knows i am gone, how can he not ?

I know he can't live without me, he survives the day because he knows he will see me when he comes home.

He lives when i live, he dies if i get hurt, his eyes burn when i cry, his heart breaks when i feel scared, his hands shiver when i am in pain, if he is the body then i am his soul, he will come.

No matter how long we go without seeing, our eyes are blind to the world.

Does not matter if we don't speak for a day, or more, my name still spells his world"

As she sat on the hotel bed, she thought & smiled. She was still angry but she knew he would come.

There was one thing he had always been so sure about and that was his love , how he could never let her go , how he could never let her live without him no matter what she did, what he did or what had happened.

It had been a long day , she rested her head on the pillow , and soon her tiredness turned into deep sleep.

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As he came home with flowers in his hands, he looked very cheerful, he knew she would be angry but he was ready, he was ready to beg her if he had to.

She was the only woman he loved in his life, she could say whatever she wanted, how could her words ever hurt her ? It was enough that he could hear her voice.

Her presence was enough for him to be at ease , she was there what more could he ask for ? She was there so he could breathe.

He always turned around in his sleep to make sure she was next to her, he was that much scared of losing her. Only he knew how many nights he woke up to see if she was alright, how many times he gently felt her chest to see if she was still breathing, how many times his lips touched her forehead to feel she was still warm, he was that afraid of losing her !
The day she was shot always haunted him..

He lost her once and he knew nothing had meaning if she was not there.

She was not his everything, she was the ONE and ONLY thing in his universe , nothing else meant anything because nothing else ever existed for him. It was her and just her & black void around her..

As he walked into the room, he was so ready to see her with a smile on his face but the room was empty, he called her name several times, he checked the bathroom, empty.

He came out, called for the housekeeper who said that she had left couple of hours ago and hadn't returned since.

"She never goes anywhere without telling me" he thought when he saw his brother Hassan coming out.

"abi , did you know Sibel is not home, she hasn't even taken the bodyguard or her car with her. Where did she go? Why did you not tell me?" He looked worried and angry.

"She said she won't come home Ramo, you need to go and get her" hassan proceeded to tell him everything she said before she left.

"So she left?" SHE LEFT ME ?! SHE LEFT ME? How can she ?" He yelled !

He took his phone out of his pocket and started ringing her frantically, her phone was switched off.

How , how can she just go ? He tried to locate her using the tracker but again, nothing. How can she go without even giving me a chance ?!

She left me ! She really has left me...

What is left of me now ? Would she ever know ?

Would she ever care ?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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