Chapter 9 [The Confession]

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Filling up the last file , Taehyung leaned back to his chair massaging his temple. He has been working all night just to get rid of the last incident. But his mind keeps on reminding him...insecuring him that y/n loves Yeonjun....

"No this cannot be true.. she only loves me.. i think I should just get things right between us.. and make everything clear." - he thought to himself as he got up from his chair. But then Mr.Kang entered ....

Mr.kang: sir.. someone wants to meet you.
Tae: who?
Mr.kang:Mr.Choi Yeonjun....

Taehyung sighed in annoyance. He didn't wanted to meet him. But also wanted to know what he wanna say. So he gave the permission and Yeonjun entered. He sat in front of crossed legs Taehyung.

Tae: what u wanna say??
Yeonjun: i wanna make clear about me and My Y/n.....

Taehyung's face turned dark..

Tae: first of all.. she is not yours.. second i don't want to talk about this bullshit. Y/n is mine..
Yeonjun: listen.. Tae... I don't want make you jeolous ... But y/n loves me only. look at all these photos...

He showed him some photos of yeonjun and y/n together when they were dating.

Yeonjun: yes, y/n loves me for 3 years. And these r the photos of us dating. Due to some issues I had to break up with her... But now no one can come between us!!! And I will take back her!!!

And he left leaving Taehyung. Taehyung's mind went numb at these point. He doesnt want to believe these. Until he hears it from y/n at least. His heart was in chaos.. and mind blank....

Y/n pov
I was reading a book but my mind wasn't focusing. Is he mad at me??? But why no one can understand me??? If comes home then I can explain him everything. Maybe one of his maids will know the answer.
Hopping out of the bed i unlocked the door and saw Taehyung leaning towards it..With a blank face!!!! I got happy and scared at the same time by his expressions.

Y/n:oh? When did you came?
Tae: 30 mins.
Y/n: since then you r standing here?
Tae: uhm yeah.. were you going somewhere?

I shook my head as "no". And I saw him coming towards and showed me some photos. My eyes widened a little!!!! These were of me and yeonjun.

Tae: you love this man!! Don't u??? You have the love in you heart for someone else which I longed for!!!

He said as his darkened. He chuckled as a tear escaped from his eyes.

Tae: look!!! You made this heartless man cry... Are u satisfied now????

Tears formed in my eyes seeing him like that....

Author pov

Tae: you love only him--

Suddenly y/n pressed her lips on his tip toeing to match the height. Taehyung froze at his place.She pressed her lips twice but seeing no response she backed away. But Taehyung wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her close.

Y/n: who said I love him... I love someone else...
Tae: who?

He questioned her although he knew the answer. He just wanted to hear from her mouth.

Y/n:you don't know?(pout)
Tae: no(he chuckled internally seeing her cuteness at this very point)

Y/n cupped Taehyung's cheeks..

Y/n:Tae... Kim Taehyung...

As soon as she said that... Tae pulled her into a passionate and harsh ful kiss... He felt relieved. Like a big burden was removed from his chest! He longed for this precious moment.

After sometime he let go of y/n sensing her struggle of air. But again after some seconds kissed her. He pushed her on the bed and hovered over her.

Tae:Finally... Min y/n.. you are mine... Only mine.. fully mine.......

Sinful Obsession - K.T.H. ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now