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A/N: very lengthly, please excuse the small errors I didn't catch and this was inspired by: Let Me Explain by Bryson Tiller

[I: i'm going to the club tonight with the girls. I'm not coming home.]

[J: you're still mad at me?]
[J: just let me explain]

[I: you don't need to explain nothing Jack. I'll be out tonight. Bye]

[J: I love you]


He sighs, throwing his phone on the stack of papers on his desk. He sighs once again tapping the pen in between his fingers on the glass office desk. He shakes his head thinking of ways to convince Irene that he didn't mean any harm. He stands to his feet cleaning off his desk getting ready to head home to an empty house. He gathered his belongings before walking out of his office. He looks down at his phone seeing if Irene would text back to listen to him or change her mind, but that wasn't the case.

He shook his head sliding his phone into his back pocket. He stepped on the elevator once the door opened. He hit the ground level riding down. His phone binged in pocket as he hurried to grab the phone. He opened it rolling his eyes seeing it was his friends.

[JB: Jack you're still up to go to the club?]

[J: yeah ig]

[Bam: you and Irene are still arguing?]

[J: no]

[JB: well you need a drink. go home and get dress Yug and Bam will pick you up]

[J: alright]

He turns off his phone sliding it in his pocket as the elevator doors open. Walking off heading out of the building. He finds his car heading home.

Over the past week Irene and Jackson have been fighting. Fighting over how Jackson treats her. He didn't know he was doing that honestly because they were always open and she never brought it up. She claims he's been doing this for awhile. But that wasn't the thing that triggered the arguing. They both owned companies that were passed down from their parents. They are together, of course, but their parents don't know that; they kept it on the low. They didn't want their parents to know for the sake of their relationship and their companies. And honestly it was hard on the two. They spent numerous holidays apart from each other, hiding from the public, acting "normal" at business events, ect. And that bothers them alot. They just wanted to be a couple without problems. But of course there are problems.

He gets home going into his empty house getting ready for the club. And once he's done he gets a text from YugBam that they are waiting outside. He leaves the quiet house getting into Bambam's car.

"Hey man! You're ready to have fun?" Jackson nodded dapping them up.

"Of course!"

Yugyeom laughs, turning up the music as BamBam makes his way to the club.


"You look good Unnie! And you're drinking a lot unnie!"

Joy yells over the club music to Irene who's waiting for her new glass of alcohol to be poured.

"What do you mean?! I'm just enjoying myself! It's Friday~ the weekend is just beginning!" She slurs pulling down her short black dress. "Thank you!" She bows slightly grabbing her glass before taking a long glup.

"I agree!" Seulgi stumbles into the bar stool. "Let's lighten up! We had a hard week at work~ once again! Our significant others are low key pains in the asses, but we love them dearly! Let's just celebrate a hectic week!~" Seulgi smiles, clicking her glass with Joy's and Irene's as she begins to dance. Irene joins in swaying her hips sipping on her drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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