Heart Beat

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Levi rode back with his squad after a successful mission. He knew they could have done a lot more than what they did, but it was the second time out this week and he didn't want to push them. But that didn't stop him pushing himself to his limit, his body aching as he rode back with the rest of the squad on the bumpy lane leading up to the castle. he could feel his eyes closing as he his body begged for sleep, but he still had to write the report and send it back to Erwin as soon as he got back, it was one of the downsides to being the captain of a squad.

Once they got back to the castle everyone got off their horses and put them in the stables, leaving it to Petra to brush them down and take all the tack of and put it away. They took it in turns as to who would deal with them, and this time it fell on her. No one really minded it, after all it would be a long walk back filled with a many deaths if they didn't have them.

Levi walked back into the castle and supressed a yawn as he made his way to his office to change from his sweaty and blood soaked clothes into something a little more comfortable. After changing and washing himself down to get ride of the Titan blood that had gotten on him as well as the sweat he was such he stank off, he changed into a white button up shirt, leaving a few of the buttons open as well as some black dress pants. He made himself a cup of tea and then made his way to his desk to began writing up the report of the latest mission.

Eren had heard the horses hooves clip cloping coming up the pathway that lead to the castle and he was ecstatic to see Levi coming back. Despite knowing his record and how well he can defend himself against the monsters outside the wall, that didn't stop him from worrying that something might go wrong and he wouldn't make it back, that thought making it hard to breath. He had been told he needed to stay and clean because Levi wasn't happy with the work he had done yesterday, and he was still recovering from one of experiments Hanji had performed on him.

Eren knew Levi would have a report to write up, it was his routine now, come back, leave whoever's turn it was to tend to the horses to do that, clean himself down, make some tea and write his report up. But Eren knew he had already been out once this week, and the captain doesn't get enough sleep as it is, and he knew he wouldn't sleep until the report was all written up so it could be taken to Erwin first thing tomorrow morning.

Eren finished making the beds upstairs and hopped it would be up to Levi's standers before he made his way down and stood outside the captains office. He was hesitant about going in to see him because he knew he would be busy, but he also knew he would need sleep.

In some ways Levi is still like a child. As much as he doesn't like to be told what to do by his younger partner Eren, he would listen and do what he asked, so Eren knew if he went in and said he needed to go to sleep he would, even if it would take some convincing to do.

"Don't just stand outside the door, if you need something knock and come in." Levi spoke, his tone his usual cold sounding one, but you could here the tiredness in it, or at least Eren could.

"Sorry, Levi." He spoke as he opened the door, and his partner slightly hunched over his desk, his grey eyes a dull looking shade with bags visibly under them. His hair was ruffled and slightly messy, a singe it was drying from recently being washed. "How did the mission go?" Eren asked as he took a seat in front of his desk.

"As well as it could go, we could have done more, there were three left that I could see, but everyone wanted to go back because we had cleared the part of the forest we needed to clear. But three is nothing for me so I disposed of them myself." Levi spoke, usually he loved to tell Eren of how he slayed up to five Titans, but this time he seemed to tired, his words coming out slowly as he carried on writing the report.

"You shouldn't push yourself that much, just because you can do it doesn't mean you should, Liebling." Eren spoke, the last work making Levi's cheeks feel a little warmer, but he would never admit that.
(Liebling = Darling in German, or so Google says)

"How was your day?" Levi asked, not wanting to get scolded from the younger male, he could listen to his motherly lectures another time.

"The same as the day before, out favourite crazy lady did her usual experiments and I cleaned the upstairs and did some of the washing." Eren spoke, his eyes watching Levi as he took a few sips of his tea, the steam from the hot water evaporating into the atmosphere.

"I see." Levi spoke as he took another sip of tea, putting his cup down and rubbing at his eyes a little to try and keep the sleep away. Eren watched his captain and partner as he did his best to stay awake, he would widen his eyes and then carry on writing, taking a sip of his tea and then write a little more, but Eren could see just how much he wanted to sleep, so he came up with a plan.

"Levi, can I show you something?" Eren asked.

"No, I have to write this up." Levi responsed in a cold tone.

"Please, it's only going to take a minute or two, and then you can come right back."

"Will you make me another cup of tea if I come and look?" Levi asked as he looked up and saw Eren looking down at him with puppy dog eyes. There was something about those ocean green eyes that made Levi melt and feel like Hh couldn't say no to him, and he hated that, but he also loved it.

"Of course, Liebling." Eren spoke, a small smile forming on his face as he watched Levi get up from behind his desk and walk over to him, the both of them leaving his office in a comfortable silence. Eren really hoped this plan would work as he walked into Levi's bedroom, opening the door so Levi could walk in, a confused look on his tried face.

"Why are we in my room? I know what it looks like in here." Levi spoke, crossing his arms over his chest, slightly annoyed he had to stop working to see his own room.

"Well, I had to make the bed, and I'm pretty tired and I don't want you waking me up because I made it wrong, so do you want to have a look and make sure I did it correctly?" Eren asked as he closed the door and walking up behind him.

Levi didn't say anything as he walked over to his bed and looked at the white sheets without a single crease on them nor a mark. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could he felt himself falling onto the soft sheets and a slight pain in his butt as Eren kicked him to the bed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Levi yelled but before he could get up he felt Eren wrapping his arms around him and pulling him down onto his chest. It was a known fact Levi was a lit stronger than he looked and he could easily kick Eren off him, but he didn't have the energy to do it.

"Levi, you need to sleep, I don't care about that report you have to write, I'm not letting you go until you finally get some sleep." Eren spoke, his tone of voice stern and his face had a don't-you-even-think-about-leaving-me-or-I-will-squeeze-you-so-hard-you-might-die look on it. Levi had seen that look a few times before and he had in-fact been squeezed so hard he couldn't breath.

Levi didn't say anything as he wiggled around a little to get in a more conferrable position. He eventually settled on lying with his head on Eren's chest. He wrapped one of his arms around his chest as the other held his hand under the covers. Eren kissed the top of Levi's head and began to hum a song his mother would sing to him when he needed to be lulled to sleep. Levi smiled into his chest as he listened to the beating of Eren's heart, the thud, thud, thud as well as the humming sound bouncing from Eren's lips lulling him into the sleep he so desperately needed.

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