Slipping Through My Fingers

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hey guys, so this is my third fanfic. read my other 1D fanfic; 1D: what makes them so...uh...beautiful. my other one isn't good so don't read it, at the moment anyways! so, enjoy xx Maya


It’s ok, just breathe in and breathe out. It will be ok. Breathe in, breathe out. I walked into the building, linking my arm with my mothers. It will be fine, it’s just a checkup

“Hello Samantha, dear, you ready for your checkup?” the doctor asked, his white teeth shining as he smiled down on me.

“Yeah, sure, let’s go.” I said, with mock enthusiasm. Everything will be fine, everything will be great, and everything will turn out ok… in the end……

Oh, how wrong I was… in a way.

*Sammy’s POV*

I woke up suddenly, not wanting to relive what happened on that rainy day, 5 months ago. Everyone at the doctors said it would be fine, and being the naïve girl I am, I believed them. But no, it was not ok, it was not fine, it was the polar opposite.

They found something, something that would change my life forever. I had cancer…. And I only had, if I was lucky, a year to live. It had already been five months, and we had been waiting for a while to see if there was anything that we, as in my mum and I, could do to help me. But nothing had come back from the doctor, apart for some… ‘Reassuring’ words…. Like it didn’t really matter that I was gonna die.

It wasn’t like a lot had changed; I mean it was still just me and my mum, after my dad killed my younger sister and older brother two years ago. He went to jail, I was the only witness to that, he almost killed me too, but I was lucky. But, I guess, if I hadn’t have called the police and got my dad arrested before he killed me, he would have only lost me around three years before I would have to die anyway.

And I was still that boring, loner with no friends, the on that no one cared about. In fact, my mum and I were the only ones that knew I was gonna die, well, apart from the doctor. I mean, people knew, because the principal told everybody at assembly one time, but I only got one lousy smile. Yep, just a SMILE, and only ONE of them! I mean, yeah, that’s great, but she didn’t even stop and give me the time of day just to tell me to, I don’t know, something along the lines of-‘ I’m was sorry’, ‘stay strong’ or even  a bloody ‘good luck’!----

And I was bullied constantly, being called a ‘slut’, ‘bitch’ or a ‘whore’. People used to abuse me physically  too, but I guess they felt sorry for me? I don’t even care, but I mean, I was 17 years old and never even had a boyfriend, gone on a date, or even been kissed! How sad is that?!?!

Sorry about rambling, I’ll get back to my life now…YAY, WHOOPEE!!!!!!!!!

I got up and had a shower, threw a sweater and some track pants on, brushed my teeth and got downstairs to have some breakfast. I wouldn’t be going out in those clothes, I wanted to look good for my last few months that I was alive, but it’s not like there is anyone to look good for.

“Happy birthday sweetie” my mum said, as I got down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Oh great, just another day in hell with a few presents! Sounds…great! I was kinda hoping she forgot.

“Oh come on, cheer up Sam, it’s your 18th birthday today! I got you some presents, come on, let’s open them now. Then we can eat some waffles, your favourite breakfast!” my mum always tries to cheer everybody and everyone up which is the exact opposite to my personality, which you can tell isn’t the happiest to be around!

“Yeah mum, great.” I said. I sat down on the couch next to my mum and snuggled up to her. I may seem really mean towards my mum, but I love her to bits. I guess after everything I’ve been through, I’ve just got an odd way of showing it. My mum passed me three presents and two cards. I opened up the middle present first, which was dark purple with a yellow ribbon on it. I always get nervous when I open up presents in case I don’t like it, but when it was open, I saw there was nothing to worry about. The first present was a pair of pink hair straighteners, the second was in a red package –my favourite colour- with a green ribbon was actually really small and when I opened it, it was a set of keys to my new car! A red mini! It was nice and all, but I only like 7 months to use, well, I better make the best of it! The third present was a guitar with a blue ribbon on it. I had been playing my sisters old guitar but it is really bad, so now I can play properly now!!!

I only had the cards left and I opened the one from my aunt and uncle in Florida. It was a really cute card with 300 dollars in it. I hadn’t met them before, so they used to spoil me, but now that I’m gonna die, they spoil me twice as much! They second one was from my mum and it had….tickets to ONE DIRECTION!!!!! And BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!!! AHHHHHHHH, OH MY GOD, this is really wanted for my birthday and I got it! They were coming next week to my town, which is Texas by the way, and now I got to see them in concert! At least I would get one good thing before I die!

“Awwww, thanks sooooooo much mummy! Wait, why are there three tickets and three backstage passes?” I asked. How can I have only noticed that now?!

“well, one’s for you, and you know the doctor said you not allowed to go out of the house without me. And well, my work friend has a daughter your age and she seems really nice, so maybe you can make a friend, just to make your last few months a bit more enjoyable” my mum said.

Not what I really wanted, but I guess I would like to have a friend, the only friend I had ever had was my sister. I was never that fond of my brother and didn’t spend a lot of time with him, but now I wish I had. I probably seem like a big baby, and I would agree with you there. I’m always highly negative, it’s not something that I like, it’s something that I put up with. If I wasn’t me, I would hate me too!

“Oh, thanks mum. I gotta get ready for school. Love ya” I said as I got up from the couch and ran up the stairs.

*1 Week Later*

We –as in my mum and I- pulled up outside the arena in a pink hummer and it was really crowded. We drove around the back and walked in through the back-stage door.

Mum and I were going to meet the other girl inside, and the only thing I knew about her was that she was my age and her name was Jenna.

“Hey, sorry I’m late, the traffic was crazy!” a girl exclaimed as she jogged towards us. I’m guessing that she was Jenna, cause no one else would EVER, EVER talk to me! When she stopped and stood in front of me, I realized that she was the girl that smiled when the school found out about my cancer. She’s probably the nice girl at school, which is good.

“Hey, Jenna right?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.

“Yeah, and you’re Samantha right, cause it would be awkward if you weren’t!” she exclaimed. I laughed. Wait, I don’t think I’ve actually laughed before! I liked this girl; she made me laugh and was really nice!

“Haha, yeah, it’s me but you can call me Sam or Sammy if you want, Samantha is way too formal for my liking!” I exclaimed.

Jenna and I ran to the side of stage as we heard the music start.



so, i hope you enjoyed it so far. tell me what you think.

vote, fan, comment, eat a carrot....-don't you think carrots are the most awesome things ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) i do! :) -

well, Je T'aime (which is 'love you' in French) ha went all French on ya face! :P

by the way, I'm not French, i live in Australia....

by da way, again... how old do you think i am? :)

bye, again..haha...i'll stop rambling now! Cya! xxxxxx

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