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*Sammy’s POV*

“Hey, you look really pretty. And sorry about school and everything, I wanted to stop and say something the other day after assembly and all, but my friends wouldn’t let me. You know how it is” Jenna explained.

“Actually, I don’t really know, I’ve never really had a friend before, ever. And thanks, you look really pretty too!”

She was wearing a purple dress that went to mid knee. It was tight at the top but flowed down at the bottom. She was wearing high heels, probably 8 inch, with a black purse and a white necklace. Her light brown hair was dip dyed purple at the bottom went down to the bottom of her spine and it was straight.

I on the other hand was wearing a black dress that went down to my knee with pink 7 inch heels and a pearl necklace. I got it from my aunt on my dad’s side when she died, and had worn it every day since. It was probably about 5 years ago, so a long time really! I also had a white purse and my hair colour was ironically the same colour as Jenna’s and it was naturally curly, so I didn’t do anything to it. I really wanted to dip dye the ends a dark blue but I never got round to it. And I didn’t have anyone to go with apart from my mum, and even though I love my mum, that would be really gay!

I really wanted to just wear a cute top and some shorts and not get dressed up but my mum was like ‘No, you can’t, you only have a few months left and I want you to dress up for this occasion….blah, blah, blah….

“Ok Texas, this is the last song for tonight so enjoy. This is What Makes You Beautiful!” Niall shouted out the crowd of hundreds of screaming girls.

“Oh my goddddd, I loveeeee this song!!!!!!!!!” Jenna squealed, oh my god, she’s a serious fangirl at heart!

“Haha, oh my god, me tooo!” I squealed with her. What, it’s true!

“You’ve been a great crowd tonight Texas, thank you and tonight!” they shouted in unison as they ran off stage waving to the screaming –some were even crying –girls in the crowd.

Oh my god, I was about to meet 5 of the most famous, richest teenagers in the world. I could see Jenna shaking next to me, like really hard.

“oh my god, it’s so hot!” Louis exclaimed as he picked up a bottle of water and took a sip. “Oh look, hey girls!” Louis screamed as he ran towards us as the others casually walked towards us. At least 4 of them are normal…hopefully.

“Hey, I’m Samantha but you can call me Sam or Sammy, Samantha is wayyyyy too boring, but you can me that to if you want to. I mean it’s up to you of course, ok sorry, I’m gonna stop rambling now” I said. Oh my god, that’s so embarrassing as I turned tomato red in the face, fiddled with my hands and looked at my feet.

 “Haha, you’re really funny Sam!” Liam said. “And what’s your name beautiful?” he asked.

Jenna stayed silent, was she playing ‘hard to get’ or something cause even though I’ve only known her fully for like 3 hours but I can already tell that she is really talkative.

“Oh sorry you were talking to me! …I totally knew that! ... I’m Jenna –or Jen, up to you- King, but I bet you don’t really care about my last name do you. No you don’t, that was a rhetorical question by the way, do you know what that is? Haha, another rhetorical question! That’s so cool! I think rhetorical questions are really awesome, I don’t know why but they are! Ok back to me, even though it was kinda already about me, but well I love watching movies, reading, talking in public and hanging out with my friends but I dislike school, shopping –it’s stupid when people always go shopping for what they don’t need- and when people bully people (she looked at me when she said that) or when people think they are too cool for other people like the nerds and stuff. Sorry about rambling, see Sammy, you didn’t ramble as much as I did! Wait, I’m still rambling, sorry it’s a hobby of mine, I’m just gonna shut up now!” Jenna said.

They all laughed again so at least I’m not the only one who rambles. What am I talking about; I was nowhere near as bad at rambling as Jen!

“Good to know. So, did you enjoy the concert little ladies?” Louis said. He really is retarded! I always thought that was just for the fame and popularity but I guess I was wrong!

“Ha, yeah it was great! I loved it!” I exclaimed.

“Hey, where are the others cause I believe we paid for all 5 boys, even though you two are awesome, don’t get me wrong, I love ya!... In a friend way, cause I don’t even you guys apart from the stuff everyone knows like…” Jen rambled on, again, so I guess all I could do was shut her up by shoving my hand over her mouth. Yeah may be mean and stuff but at least it shut her up.

“Um, I think they’re over there, I’ll just go get them, stay right there” Liam said as he ran off to the other side of the room.                                       

*Niall’s POV*

Liam jogged over to Zayn, Harry and I as we were in our changing rooms getting changed into more comfortable clothes.

“Hey Li, vas happenin?!” Zayn exclaimed as he ran towards the girls on the other side of the room. I waited for Harry to finish then we walked towards the girl that was talking to Zayn and Louis. Wait, where’s her friend that was there, like, literally five minutes ago?

“Hey, what’s your name?” I asked.


“Haha, that’s true but I’m Jenna, or Jen or whatever, I love the nickname Kit but yeah!” Jenna said.

“Are you here alone or something?” I asked.

“Oh no, Liam just went to show her where the bathroom is so she’ll be back soon, and her mum’s outside or something” Jenna said.

“Oh cool. So, we have the whole night to do stuff, kinda, so what do you want to do?” Harry asked.

“Whatever, what do you guys usually do?” Jen asked.

“What about MarioKart?” I suggested.

“Sure, I’m gonna beat all your asses! I warned ya, so don’t look for me and think I’ll pity you, anyways it’s Niall’s idea!!!!!” she shouted.

“Um…. Ok…should we wait for your friend?” Harry asked.

“Hey guys, sorry, I kinda got lost on the way back. So what are we gonna do?” a girl asked from behind us. It sounded soft, like velvet, kind of like an angel’s voice. I whipped around suddenly to get a glance of who was speaking, and there standing before me, was the most amazing, beautiful, perfect person I’ve ever seen.

“H…Hi, I…I’m Niall” I stuttered. UGH, IDIOT! What a great first impression! *note sarcasm*

“Haha, hi Niall, I’m Samantha, you can call me that but Samantha is too formal to me, but whatever. You’re choice!” she said, and her laugh was like little bells ringing, god, she was so cute! Man, I was whipped already, and I had known her for like, 30 seconds. This is gonna be….interesting. all I know is, she was the one.


hey guys, how do you like it so far? it will get more interestign later on, if you're bored at the moment. but don't worry, it will!

anyways, since i rambled last time, it will be nice and short this time!

but first, when i do these things at the end, i'm gonna write a quote. so, this one is: Never Live In The Past, But Learn From It.

Did you like it? Meh, they will get better! :) unless you liked that, then they won't!! sorry, I'm weird!

ok, that was pretty short for me! haha well anyways, Luv ya, Maya xx

bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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