~The Search pt 1~

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(I'm so sorry about my terrible update patterns, and sorry about the short chapter! I started this as a coping mechanism and now I'm in a better mental state, but I PROMISE I WILL NOT DISCONTINUE IT. NOW ONTO THE CHAPTER)

"Cmon" i nudged illumi out of his trance. "We should go back to the room." I said. He nodded and turned as I began walking back towards our room.

Once we arrived, we saw k/n stacking cards. Illumi looked at her, then turned to me. "I promise she's not hisokas child, I told her a bit about you guys and she's loved clowns, jesters, and the circus ever since." I said, chuckling.

"Mommy, who is he? You never told me anything more than 'mommy's friend'." K/n asked, still focused on her cards.

I thought for a moment, then replied, "You remember the assassin guy me and killu~san told you about?" She looked at me, thinking about the stories.

"Pin guy?" She asked. Illumi stared at her, and I chuckled and nodded. K/n jumped up in excitement, landing gently, but not gently enough to keep her card tower from falling.

She rushed over to him and began patting his legs, I'd assume to look for pins, while excitedly saying "ooh show me show me!!" And jumping at the same time.

Illumi picked up the child and set her on his hip, while pulling a pin out of a hidden pocket he had in the chest area of his shirt. K/n observed the pin, carefully making sure she didn't stick herself.

"Can I show him my weapons?" K/n spoke with a huge smile pasted across her face. I took illumis pin from her and handed it back to him as he lowered her to the ground. She rushed over to her bag and began ruffling through for her personal favorite weapon.

Hisoka's Perspective
Just west of meteor city

"You still wondering about that y/n hoe, Hisoka?" Machi said, snapping me out of my thought process. "You still stuck over the fact that i chose her over you, Machi?" I replied. Its been 2 years since y/n left. I decided to settle down for Machi, though she doesnt satisfy me as much as she used to when we were in the troupe.

Speaking of the troupe, a day or so ago i went to Yorknew, just to see some of the news, and that day happened to be the 6 months anniversary of Chrollos death. I dont believe that he's actually dead, theres no possible that that young Kurta could kill somebody who even managed to surpass the Zoldycks.

I know that chrollo is alive, but i dont know where. "Bubblegum, do you ever wonder what happened to our dearest danchou?" I asked Machi. "Chrollo? Yeah, i heard he died, but the kid who claims to have killed him is too weak to do that." She replied.

She's right. She may be weak, but shes certainly not an idiot. Well, weak compared to me, I'm stronger than she'll ever be, which is probably what makes her so amazed by me. I mean, who wouldnt be amazed by me? I have everything i could ever need.

Everything i could ever need.. except for y/n.
And to kill Gon, but i will one day.

Narrators perspective
Timeskip to arriving at yorknew
With y/n, Illumi, and k/n

"You must've spoken of us like we were gods for her to want to be so much like us." Illumi said. Y/n chuckled and replied, "well, to be fair, the playing cards are pretty cool." The two conversed as k/n fidgeted with a playing card that was edged with steel.

"Alright illumi, whats our game plan?" Y/n asked. Illumi turned to her with an unreadable expression on his face. "Well, hopefully we can find a hotel and discuss there and not in public." He replied.

Y/n nodded and helped k/n onto her back. They then strolled the streets, occasionally stopping to buy clothes and stopping once to buy k/n ice cream. "Hisoka cant be that far.." y/n muttered to herself as they arrived to the hotel, walking down to the main desk as k/n admired the size of the large building.

Once the three had a room, y/n sent k/n to go explore the halls so illumi and y/n could talk in private. "y/n, you have no clue how much ive missed you." Illumi said. Y/n turned to him and hugged him, burying her face in his chest and replying "ive missed you too."

They stood there a moment, before separating and locking eyes. To be honest, y/n could've stayed there forever, completely comfortable and safe looking up at the assassin. Atleast in that moment, it got better.

Illumi lifted y/n and pinned her against a wall, y/n instinctively wrapping her legs around his waist. Illumi leaned into her ear, his breath against her neck, and said, "I cant stand admitting this, but i love you y/n."

"I love you too, Illumi."

Illumi kissed her, and they stayed there for a minute, just pushed against eachother, feeling the others body heat. After the moment was over, Illumi lowered y/n onto the ground. "The plan, Illumi?" She said.

"Well, let's see.."


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