chapter one: first impressions

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for clicking onto this fic, it's very special to me. I tried very hard to incorporate Asian folklore into the story and weave it into the plot for it to make sense. Just be prepared for a wild ride!

Darkness has settled over Mystic Falls and with it,  most of its people have gone to sleep

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Darkness has settled over Mystic Falls and with it, most of its people have gone to sleep. The only source of noise that came from this quaint town was from the Mystic Grill, which also served as the bar. The noise of the bar briefly escaped into the darkness when Kyle pushed his way out. His hair was once slicked back, but lost its halt during the night, now stuck firmly against his sweaty forehead. Kyle took a step forward, but nearly lost his balance when a young woman quickly walked past him. Intrigued, Kyle's eyes followed her shapely figure, the clicking of her shoes ringing in his ears. He broke out of his trance when she rounded the corner, disappearing from his sight.

"Hey wait!" He called out, stumbling after her. Even though the young woman had quickened her pace upon hearing him, he caught up with her, grabbing her by her arm. Kyle was amazed by her beauty as soon as she turned around. He has seen a lot of beautiful women before but never this beautiful. There weren't many East Asian people in Mystic Falls and if there were, they usually weren't this eye catching.

"A beautiful thing like you shouldn't walk around alone at night. Let me walk you home."

The woman stared at him with wide eyes, her lips trembling. "I am fine," she tried to assure him, attempting to smile weakly. "I'm meeting my friends, please let go of me."

"Meeting your friends, ah? Well, why don't you let me buy you a drink, beautiful."

"No, I don't want a drink. Please leave me alone," she begged him, tears forming in her eyes.

Kyle only smirked at her, brushing her tears away. "Don't be so dramatic, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself. Come on."

He dragged her with him, until he was met with a much stronger resistance from her. Kyle turned back, freezing when he took her in.

"How is it that men still don't know that 'no' means no?"

The blubbering mess of a woman was gone and instead, a confident, cold woman was staring back at him. She easily removed his hand from her arm and looked at him, her eyes blazing with fury. Kyle wasn't sure if it was the light or if her dark eyes were really glowing blue. She dusted off her her jacket, in an annoyed manner and Kyle was irritated.

"Come on baby, don't be like this," he drawled, moving to grab her once more, but she swiftly beat his hand away, making him cry out in pain.

"What the hell?!"

She regarded him coolly and reached behind herself, pulling out an ancient looking sword. Kyle's eyes widened, turning on his heels to flee but just as he turned around, he let out a gasp. Looking down, he saw the tip of the sword sticking out of his body, his legs giving out when she pulled the sword back. Kyle fell to his knees, the blood oozing out of his chest. The woman knelt down, using Kyle's jacket to clean off her sword.

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