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"Ayo Alexandros! You ok man?" Ryker asked concerned when he saw how Alexandros was staring at nothing

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"Ayo Alexandros! You ok man?" Ryker asked concerned when he saw how Alexandros was staring at nothing. In real, Alexandros's heart was piercing with some unknown pain. It was frustrating him. So he was deadly quiet and in some kind of daze.

"Don't know!" Alexandros grunted in response and chugged the bitter liquid of alcohol down his throat.

Alexandros was clearly in the 'not to mess with me' type of mood and it brought the silence all over his club. It wasn't until his third in command Zeus approached him. A frantic albeit concerned look covering his face.

"Umm Boss?"

Alexandros lifted his eyes tiredly to look up at him.

"Your daughter is taken to hospital!" Alexandros reaction didn't shock Ryker a bit when he slammed the bottle down on the counter angrily. A inhumane type of growl left his throat.

"That thing is not related to me!"

"Sorry boss.." Zeus muttered in a low tone.

Two minutes of silence fell around and surprisingly it was Alexandros who decided to break it.

"What happened to her?"

Ryker's eyebrows raised up in genuine surprise but he kept quiet and let Zeus answer.

"Umm from what I have heard from neighbours, she was standing in the heavy rain from three hours and badly beaten on the top. They think she is not going to make it alive. Due to the amount of blood she had lost.." Zeus shrugged his shoulders slowly almost hesitantly.

Their boss's mood was becoming unpredictable and Zeus sure did not want to be held on a gun point today.

Alexandros did not utter a word afterwards. He was quiet. His eyes emptily glared at the wall in front of him. His jaw clenched and shoulders tensed. It looked like he was having some internal battle with his feelings.

"FUCK IT!" He kicked the stool back where he was sitting and picked his leather jacket up from counter.

"Can I join?" Ryker asked a little excited when Alexandros pulled his keys out, his long legs already walking out from the club. Ryker was almost 99% sure about where Alexandros was planning to go.

Alexandros did not answer and Ryker as well as Zeus took it as their queues.

It was supposed to take 30 minutes to reach the hospital by their bikes but with the speed Alexandros was driving, it only took 10 minutes to reach their destination but it was not a hospital.

Ryker and Zeus looked at each other with raised eyebrows as Alexandros kicked the door open of someone's house.

They were left dumbfounded with their mouth gaped open when a fully shaking with rage Alexandros headed towards Amara who was busy injecting something in her veins and Jameson was sitting near her, passed out with the doze of drug he had taken. They were too much occupied that they did not even take a notice of three presences in their living room. It was not until Alexandros slammed the one of vase on ground.

Jameson merely flinched at the loud sound but did not wake up. Amara slowly lifted her heavy lids to look up. Her state was terrible. Her eyes could only make out the outlines of their tall frames.

"Wwhhoo rrr uu?" She asked in a painfully low tone.

"Your death! You fucking whore!" Alexandros growled and slapped her hard across her face. He grabbed her wrist harshly and pulled her out of her seat before throwing her on top of the drugs filled table.

Amara was not in the condition to even react at the pain her body was feeling.

"You fucking dare to hurt her!" Alexandros yelled and pulled Jameson up by his hair before throwing his pathetic body down and on the top of Amara.

"Take this filthy trash to warehouse! I will handle with this shits later! Make sure to take fucking good care of them until I arrive!"

With that he stormed out of their house and drove towards his last destination.

The hospital!

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