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The most stressful years of my life. Three hour classes, a shit ton of work, and don't even get me started on the stress. It's truly a pain in my ass, but I need to push through in order to get my degree.

Luckily I have a few close friends here in college. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have anyone to talk to; I'd probably die from stress alone.

Reina has been my roommate since freshman year. We may be complete opposites, but we still manage to become best friends. She's a preppy girl who loves fashion and makeup, which is why she decided to major in fashion design. She's known for her style and beauty. If anything, I look like a troll next to her. I'm more on the "lazy" side. I don't wear much makeup and I dress casually most of the time.

Reina comes from a wealthy family, so she always offers to buy me cute clothes and makeup. Even when I would deny, she would buy clothes for me anyways. Whenever we go to clubs or frat parties, Reina would do my makeup and make me look like beauty guru. She always tries her hardest to set me up with a guy, but I always tell her that the guys here are musty and only want sex.

My last boyfriend was in freshman year. We dated for seven months, and the day I gave my virginity to him he never spoke to me again. I was ballistic for weeks and depressed for months. I knew guys were trash, but dating a girl just to take her virginity? That's a low blow.

It's been two years then and I haven't dated nor hooked up, but I'm not complaining. I didon't want to waste my time on these low-life boys here on campus.


I look up from my journal to see Reina barging into my room with a huge grin on her face. I close my journal and place it on my bedside table, "You look happy."

Reina jumps onto my bed and squeals, "Guess who asked me out?!"

I chuckle from her enthusiasm, "Who?" I lean my chin on my palm. Reina covers her mouth and faneds herself before telling me the guy's name.

"Jungkook!" She squeals again. My smile quickly fades.

Jeon Jungkook. He's the drummer of a band called Bangtan. His band is well known in our town, everyone knows who Jungkook is. Every girl gushes over him as if he was Justin Bieber or something. He and his members go to this college; they're the stars on campus. He and his band mates all major in music, their goal is to become worldwide rockstars.

I'm the one person who doesn't obsess over him or his band. He's not even the kind of person who dates, he has groupies instead. All he does is fuck random girls and throws them out like trash the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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