Sal's P.O.V
''Sal! Ya okay?!'' I was laying on the ground, unconscious. But felt a little shaking. Was someone shaking me? Or were I completely wrong?
I started to wake up. My eyes opened under the mask. Hard to see but they did. ''Holly sh*t dude! You passed out! Ya scared the sh*t out of us''
I sat up. Ash, Todd, and Larry were around me. ''What happened?...''
''W-Well you passed out after throwing the ball, at the window...'' Ash said nervously and worried. ''You should be more careful.''
I placed my hand on the mask. I felt a crack. Was it about to break? I'd hope not.
''Come on, schools over. Let's get home'' Todd started to turn to the door. ''Yeah, you're probably right.'' Larry helped me up. ''Dude, be careful. Not only did ya hurt yourself, but ya almost got caught.''
''Sorry, I didn't think I'd throw the ball that hard,'' I said while walking back to the door.
As we got inside, I had to pee.
''I'll go pee real quick. Just meet me outside the school.'' They all three smiled and walked to the door, as I walked to the boys' toilet.
As I walked inside I saw a curled paper on the ground beside the trashcan.
''A curled paper?'' I grabbed it and opened it.
''I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different.
The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just...''
The rest were erased or been drawn over.
After I read it, I start hearing someone crying. I look at the toilet doors. Was someone crying? Or did I hear completely wrong? I put the note in my pocket.
I walked closer to the toilet door with the crying sound.
Travis' P.O.V
I heard someone right outside my toilet door, and the voice sounded familiar.
''G-Go away!''
''Travis?.. Is it you?''
I gasped a small gasp. Know I knew why that voice sounded familiar. It was Sally Face.
''Sally Face?! Why are you here?!''
''Well, I heard you crying and then-''
''Just go away! I don't get why you're here! Don't ya have better things to do?!''
''Well, I were gonna have a pee break before going home''
I heard a little bump, like if he just sat down against the door.
''What the hell you doing?!''
''I thought I could hear you out''
''Why the hell would I tell someone as sh*t as you?!''
I tried to wipe my tears away, so I didn't sound weak.
''Just go to your stupid friends! I don't get why you're here!''

It's okay to be gay, right?
AdventureWe all know Sally Face. We all know how he died. But what if the story ended differently? What if Sal fell in love with someone else? What if he didn't kill them all? If he just lived a normal life with Larry, Ash, Todd, and someone else? Sally Fac...