▪︎ Tobi ▪︎ 2

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Jealous girl by lana del rey


"No it can't be you"
You said

"But you died. I saw you die"

"Everyone knows your dead"


Shisui Uchiha!"

"Your wrong"
He said a bit mad that you said that

"Oh ok.. could you get off me?"
You said

"So you're that type"
He said

"What do you mean by that Tobi?"
You said

He runs his finger down your spine. You arch your back from his touch

He bent to your level

"You like that don't you [Reader]"
He said

You struggle his grip is hella strong

"Don't even think of report this"
Tobi said
He said letting go of you

"What if I do tho"
You said

"I will kill all of team 7,

Plus Kakashi"

"No! Wait already said that"
You said

He hug you and started to play your hair

"Just don't report ok [Reader]"
He said softly

He said give putting the necklace on you

"Uhh thanks"
You said

"Aww you look so cute with the necklace on!"
Tobi said

You push him off you

"Anyways why don't you want me to hangout with Kakashi?"
You said

"I just don't like people getting involved with us, I don't want any love triangle I don't like sharing even with him"
Tobi says

"Jealous much. But answer me Tobi who really are you. You did tell me that we finally reunited"
You said

"Oh well isn't getting late darling"
He said

"It the early hours of the fucking morning, and why are you avoid my question!"
You said

"See you soon Darling, don't forget what I said about report this byeeee!"
Tobi said send you a blow kiss

You said nothing he close the window and left

You said

"That hoe avoided my question"
You said

'Mother fucker'

You calm down and went back to sleep

You woke up

"Aghh my head"
You get up walk to your bathroom for some pills

But faint

(This Bitch faint💀💀)

You open your eyes

To your bed in your room
you look around to see

Kakashi and Naruto, Sasuke plus Sakura with gift

"I heard what happened yesterday, you really protect my students from danger, thank you [Y/n]"
Kakashi said

"Thank you so much
Sakura said

"Thank you [Y/n]"
Sasuke said

"Thanks [Y/n]-sensei"
Naruto said

"No problem I don't want anyone to died in this team"
You said


"You all have a free day today I have to take of [Y/n]"
Kakashi said to the team

They all leave

leave you and Kakashi

You said hug him and hug back

"Excited to see me?"
Kakashi said

"You could say that"
You said

You let go of him

He touches you forehead

"You're hot"
He said



"Not in that way [Y/n]!"
He said little pink

"Haha! I love seeing you flustered"
You said

"Ah I'ma go down stairs to make you something to eat!"
He said

"Maybe my sickness was contagious"
He said putting a wet cloth on your head

"Yeah maybe"
You said

He goes down stairs

'I'm so thankful for having a friend like him'


"Hello Darling"

To be continue

Yandere Naruto character ¡One Shot! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now