Schoools out fo summa

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A/n i had to ok?

Present day a.k.a. 1989
'Math class the last class of the day I hate math it sucks I wish I could just leave.' I think to myself as I dose off

*time skip like 10 minutes*

I feel a soft tap on my shoulder.
"MmMmM 5 mOrE mInUtEs MoM" i say in a sleepy voice.
"Y/n? Y/n. Y/n!" I hear somebody whisper yell
"Huh?!" I say lifting my head up and whipping it to my side. Stan.
"You fell asleep again" he says.
"How could you not. I hate math." I say.
"It's not that bad you know." He says
"MR.URIS and MS. L/N IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?!" (robin vibes) we both shake our heads violently and look down at our desks
"Thanks for waking me up I would've been dead by now." I whisper
"No problem" he says smiling. 'Oh lord stop it his smile I just can't.' I think to myself as I snap out of it I realize I'm starring and quickly turn my head. I look up and see Beverly. Shit I'm supposed to meet her in the bathroom. I raise my hand and ask
"Can i go to the bathroom?"
"Sure but you have to answer this problem" the teacher says. Ok I never said I was good at math but I can do problems in my head pretty fast.
"-56. can I go now?" I say
She looks at me stunned and points her finger to the door.
"Thanks." I say getting up. I walk out of the door and into the bathroom. I see Beverly washing her hands
"BOO!" I yell jumping onto her back
"Dude calm down." I say putting my hand on her shoulder as she sighs and finishes washing her hands.

*time skip*

I went to go get my backpack when the bell rang and I came back to see Greta walking into the bathroom. Shit. I run into the bathroom to see her kicking at a stall door as one of her slutty friends fills a trash bag with water.
"Are you in there by yourself Beaverly? Or do you have half the guys in our school in there with you huh slut? I know you're in there little shit I can smell you. Maybe that's why you don't have any friends" she says kicking at the door again.
"Which is it Greta is she a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." I say and she whips her head in my direction and gets to close that our noses are almost touching.
"Are we about to kiss?" I say with a smirk.
"EW! You're trash!" She says.
"Funny Greta we must have twin telepathy because i was thinking the same about you. :)" I say "get out"
"I don't remember this being your bathroom l/n." She says stepping away from me
"I never said it was. And i don't remember it being yours. Get. Out." I say
"Ugh fine let's go girls." she says as she gathers her stupid friends and walks out of the bathroom. I walk up to Beverly's stall
"Hey Bev sorry I left you alone. You good in th-?" I say but get cut off by the door swinging open and arms rapping around me.
"Ok ok ok to close." I say and she lets go.
"THAT WAS BADASS!" she yells with a smile
"I know." I say smirking "now let's go the bell already rang I have to pick up some uh- girl stuff." I say as she nods and we walk out of the bathroom.
We walk out of the doors to see a kid with some kind of project, a Walkman, and a bike.
"You gonna let us go by or is there a secret password or something?" Bev says. He looks at her like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Sorry." He says and looks away blushing, dropping his bike.
"Password." she says with a sigh
"Henry and his goons are over on the west entrance so you should be fine." she says
"Oh I wasn't-" he says but gets cut off
"Everybody knows he's looking for you" she says. Then there's a silence of me just looking at the two of them like 'uh so' then I look at him and say
"Whatcha listening to?" I grab his headphones and put them on. My mouth hangs open and I laugh.
"New kids on the block" I say with a laugh
"Lemme see!" Bev says grabbing the headphones from me
"I don't even like them. I was just-" he says
"Wait your the new kid right? Now I get it" Bev says looking at me.
"There's nothing to get." He says
"We're just messing with you." I say
"I'm Beverly and this is my bestfriend y/n." Bev says
"I know you because we're in the same class. Social studies." He says pointing at Bev "and its nice to meet you y/n" he says shaking my hand.
"And you are....." Bev says gesturing to move on
"Oh I'm Ben but almost everybody calls me-" he says but gets cut off yet again
"The new kid" me and Bev say in sync
"Well Ben there are worse things to be called" Bev says
"Yeah we should know" I mumble. As she elbows me. I raise my hands in defense and grab Bens year book.
"He's got no signatures" I say pulling a pen out of my pocket and signing it and giving it to Bev . Man I kinda feel bad for the kid. Bev signs it and says "stay cool Ben from Soc class." She says with a smile and gives his yearbook back
"You too Beverly and y/n" he says. We start to walk away
"Hang tough new kid on the block!" Bev yells back
"Please don't go girl!" That's the last thing we heard from him before walking away to far to hear.
"The new kid was so checking you out." I say with a smirk still looking forward
"Y/N STOP!" Bev screams
"Oh and that bird kid doesn't do the same thing?" she says
"BEVERLY SHUT UP!" I yell as she laughs her ass off.
"Shit." Bev says as she stops walking and laughing.
"What? What happened?" I ask
"I think I just started my period." she says frozen
"Shit will you be ok? The pharmacy is across town." I say getting onto my bike.
"I think so" she says getting onto her bike

A/n yay another chapter finished hope you enjoyed I'll probably do one more chapter and go to bed

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