meeting the guys

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Kaylans POV

   Aaron and I met up on Friday and we went to his friend Nash's house and this was the first time I've met them and I

got dressed because we had to meet them at six and it was 4:30 (outfit above) and Aaron and I went to eat at McDonald's

After McDonalds

Aaron drove to Nash's house and we got out he grabbed my hand and said "you'll be fine they'll love you okay beautiful" "okay" I said to him Aaron knocked on the door and a boy with a blue bandanna opened the door and Aaron and the boy shook hands and the boy said "was this" Aaron said back "my girlfriend kaylan" nice to meet you the boy said "I'm Taylor ,come in" me and aaron walked in and the other boys jumped up and ran to Aaron as I sttod there awkwardly.

A/n I'll finish the rest tommorow and please vote and comment if you want more-Kaylan

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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