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Any lingering doubts that Niall had about whether or not Mrs Kelly bought his lies dissipated when his phone lit up with new messages every few seconds — which he ignored. And when people started coming over and expressing their delight for him — that, he couldn't ignore.

It started with Pete, the guy who owned the hardware store across the street. He walked into Copper & Compass, headed straight for the bar and pulled Niall in for a hug. It was an awkward and uncomfortable hug, with the bar digging into his front and Pete squeezing him. But it was a nice gesture, he supposed.

Then it was Mrs Bowen. Niall had to fight the urge to laugh when she walked through the door as he's reminded of the conversation he had with Alexandra. And of the way she burst out laughing, the sound both surprising and intoxicating, when he told her that Mrs Bowen would have his head if he decided to serve coffee at his pub, stealing away all of her customers. Mrs Bowen didn't come to have his head, thankfully, but to do the same thing Pete did. To tell him that she's happy that he's found someone.

After that, there was a flurry of activity and excitement in the pub, and those happy faces became a blur.

It's been a weird evening for Niall, to say the least. And the day hasn't ended yet.

"You're in a relationship?" Fionn asks in an incredulous tone as he takes a seat on the stool in front of Niall, brows furrowing.

Cara stands next to her husband and squeezes his shoulder. To Niall, she smiles and nods, "Hey."

"Hey," Niall greets them as he fills two pints of beer and places them in front of his friends.

"I can't believe you lied to Mrs Kelly," Fionn continues. Niall doesn't think lying to Mrs Kelly is such a big deal. "Now everyone thinks you're dating someone."

"What if I am?" Niall asks. There's an edge to his voice that isn't usually there.

The idea of him dating someone is not that absurd, isn't it? Yes, he hasn't dated anyone seriously after things ended between him and Breena. And yes, he hasn't shown any interests in the girls he's gone on a date to. But that doesn't mean dating someone isn't in the cards for him.

It's not making any sense to Niall that people are having a hard time believing that he's in a relationship, albeit a fake one, considering that that's what they wanted all along. It's why they have been setting him up on dates, isn't it? Otherwise, it'll be cruel for them to put him through all of that.

Fionn's forehead furrows, "Are you?"

"So... Who's the lucky girl?" Cara asks, seemingly not on the same page as her husband. Whereas Fionn looks like he's not going to believe anything that comes out of Niall's mouth, Cara looks like she's already believed the rumour that's spread all over the town. "Oh God, I feel awful now. We've been setting you up on dates and you—"

"—It's fine," Niall cuts in. "You didn't know."

"Well," Cara leans forward, propping her chin in the palm of her right hand. "Who is she?"

Before Niall can answer her question, Connor rushes up to the bar. "What the fuck, Horan?" His face is red as he occupies the stool next to Cara. He says a quick hi to her and then returns his attention to Niall. "You're in a relationship and I wasn't the first one to find out about it? Mrs Kelly was?"

Niall doesn't say anything. He fills a pint of beer for Connor and hands it to him. Connor isn't a big fan of Mrs Kelly and unlike Niall, he doesn't bother being subtle about it.

Connor takes a long sip, swallows and then continues, "So, who is it?"

Fionn leans forward so he could meet Connor's eyes and asks, "You don't think he's lying?"

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