Chapter 2

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"That's wonderful, Thomas," Mother exclaimed.
Thomas had been excited about getting married and moving out ever since he had turned 18.
William smiled and congratulated his brother with a clap on the back, while Father quietly nodded his approval. Meg was happy for Thomas, but she was also glad he would be moving out. He wasn't very nice to her, and he had basically ignored her her whole life.

They finished breakfast and Thomas hurried out the door, with Father grumbling behind.

That night while they were sleeping, someone banged loudly on the door. Meg climbed down from the loft to hear what the man said to Father. "The Indians are burning down houses!" he told them. Father ran outside and Mother woke Thomas and William. They all helped carry buckets of water to the burning houses.

By sunrise the fire was put out and they were all exhausted.
"Mum, why would the Indians do this?" William asked. Mum sighed. "William, I'm sure you know that some of the Indians want their land back," she explained. "Well, they got tired of waiting."
"Mother, will we have to leave?" Meg asked.
"It's certainly too dangerous to stay," Mum replied. "We'll have to return to England."
Many other families agreed. So it was settled. They would pack in the morning and leave as soon as the boats were ready.

The boats were ready to go by the next day and everyone was climbing aboard.
"Meg," her mother called. "Would you go fetch William, he's in the back woods."
Why is he in the woods when we are supposed to be on the boat? Meg thought. But she obediently said, "Yes Mum," and ran off to find William.

*****William's POV*****

William sat waiting for Mum and Meg. The boat rocked with the waves. Just then Mum walked on to the boat. Father stood and took her arm. Mum looked heartbroken and guilty. They walked away to a more private place on the boat. Where was Meg? William thought.
The boat started to move. He raced over to Mum and Father. "Where's Meg?" Mum started sobbing, and William understood. "How could you do this!" he yelled. Mum sobbed louder and Father hugged her. "It's okay, Mary," he said.
William ran to the back of the boat. "MEG!" he shouted.
Someone appeared on the beach. "William?" her voice echoed. "MEG, HOLD ON I'M COMING!" He dove into the water and swam back to the shore.

William stood there soaking wet, Meg crying in his arms, staring back at his parents, Father holding Mum as she trembled. William and Meg stood there until their parents were out of sight, then he lead Meg back to their cabin to figure out what to do next.

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