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Freddie and his team were teleported to Hawaii and trying to investigate the sightings of the number of wild dinosaurs sighted in Hawaiian Islands.

" I just can't believe that Arrow the orange Acrocanthosaurus lead the expedition. " Rose said.

" That dino is acting weird right now." Freddie said.

" Hey, I'm not came here for Aloha Party Poop." Arrow the Acrocanthosaurus said. " I came here to track down the presence of the wild dinosaurs.'

" Sounds like a weird day." Gorgon the Gorgosaurus said.

" I have to agree." Ivy the Stegosaurus said.

" What makes you think if we can find some wild dinosaurs in Hawaii." Allen the Allosaurus said.

" If we checked some of the forested areas especially in a National Park which id the most dangerous places." Arrow the Acrocanthosaurus said. " The Hawaiian Volcano is a very dangerous volcano and it will erupted sooner or later."

" Okay. You're a professor of Archaeologists and the new Dr. Dolittle." Freddie said. " Let's find some shaded area."

" Oh yeah. How can I find fishes here in Hawaii?" Nate the Spinosaurus said.

" Save some fishy issues later Nate." Liam said. " We need to find some inn."

" Like a hotel." Nate the Spinosaurus said.

" Yup." Liam said.

" Nate, we should be a security guard and alerted at all times." Arrow the Acrocanthosaurus said.

Then, they heard a loud roar just in the nearby forest.

" What is that weird roar?!" Isabelle said.

" Looks like we found our first wild dinosaur." Sallie the Dracorex said.

" I've sensed it in the forest." Eiffel the Stegoceras said.

" Then, what kind of dinosaur?" Charlie the Carcharodontosaurus asked.

" We better check it out that forest." Rose said.

As Freddie and his team were headed to the forest. They encountered the roaring Metriacanthosaurus. 

" It's a Metriacanthosaurus! " Rose said.

" Oh great." Nate the Spinosaurus. " Another predatory dinosaur."

" Looks like we have to deal with this guy." Freddie said.

Dinosaur King Battle Legends: Aloha! Arrow and HawaiiWhere stories live. Discover now