Son and daughter

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A/N here a quote if you need it 💜

Love you guys 💜

Y/N POV: guys hurry up dinner is almost ready , I yelled to my husband , my son who is four and daughter who is one  , hearing no response I start to get worried and head upstairs to see if their okay . I yelled once again , just to receive no response until I hear giggling , following the sound of laughter I found myself standing behind my son's bedroom and I peeked my head inside only to see the sight of my son on my husbands chest giggling from his father tickling him. I hesitated to make a noise not wanting to spoil the moment , but the food was getting cold .

Y/N : Uh umm I pretended to cough

Both turning their heads to look at me.

Taehyung: Oh hey babe.

Y/S/N : hi mommy.

Y/N : hi baby .

Y/N: The food is getting cold come on .

Coming - they both say in unison .

Y/N: Hey babe can you please get Y/D/N

Taehyung: Sure , I haven't seen my baby in a while

Y/N : Okay I'm going to go set up-
But before I could even walk through the door Taehyung grabbed my waist and turned me too face him and he kissed me out of nowhere. Mom , Dad gross we heard our son say , What Taehyung said . Tae , you need to go get Y/D/N now !

I walked out of the room and to the kitchen to set up the food .

Time Skip after they ate

I saw Taehyung carrying Y/D/N and she started to cry , I think she was hungry . So asked Taehyung to give her to me so I could feed her , once she was in my arms I sat on the couch and lifted up my shirt and my bra and let her suck on my left boob ,while she was eating I was helping Y/S/N with his homework .

Y/S/N :Mom what does this mean ? he said pointing to a question , while I was helping him I heard a camera click . It was Taehyung he was taking a photo .

Y/N : What are you doing .

Taehyung: Capturing memories .

Y/N : Really I said in an annoyed tone .

Taehyung : Yes really , you look good with kids .

With that I shook my head and sighed .

Y/N : Y/S/N I think its time for you to go wash up

He nodded his head and went upstairs , and I got up from where I was sitting on the couch and went upstairs to put Y/D/N in her crib , when I put Y/D/N in her crib I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist , I was tense but I realized it was Tae when I saw the ring on his finger . He once again turned me to face him and he kissed me .

Y/N : What are you doing ?

Taehyung : What do you mean I'm kissing my beautiful wife .

Y/N : What if one of the kids saw

Taehyung: They're our kids , it doesn't matter

Y/S/N : Ew , mom and dad .

Taehyung : Y/S/N , to bed now .

Y/S/N: But dad .

Taehyung : No buts to bed .

Y/S/N: Fine.

Once he saw that Y/S/N was gone he kissed you again .

Taehyung: I love you Mrs Kim

Y/N : I love you too

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