Chapter 1

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I sighed in content as I mixed the batter, while my 4 boyfriends bicker with each other, the other two still sleeping.

"No! Baby, don't take my video games!"

Jungkook shouted to Tae, who was busy running around the house.

Two muscular hands wrapped around my waist, and a chin rested on my shoulder.

"You didn't give me a morning kiss, hun."

Namjoon whispered huskily in my ear, kissing my jawline. He still made me blush even though we have dated for months.

I kissed him on his delicious buttery lips and said,

"Sorry hun. I had to wake up early today. Tomorrow's mission was success."

" better make it up to me, Jin."

He said and left me there, giving me a kiss before going.

Just hearing my name from his mouth makes my heart flutters.

And here comes the last one of my boyfriends, Yoongi. He looks so cute early in the morning, with chubby cheeks and messy hair which also makes him look so sexy.

"Mm...Good Morning, love."

Yoongi said, giving me a kiss before putting some coffee in his mug.

"Morning, baby. Lets eat faster. We need to go shopping today."

I said, placing the pancakes on the plate and bringing it to the table where the most precious persons of mine are sitting.

"Ahhhh...pancakes! Jin, I love you!"

Jimin said, pressing a deep kiss on my lips before sitting on his chair.

"I love you too, now lets eat first, we gotta lot of things to do."

I replied, digging into my pancakes.

" silly baby. You have got syrup on your lips."

Hoseok said, and swiped his thumb across my lips and licked the syrup, making me blush.

" flirting with my boyfriend!"

Jungkook said, immediately coming to sit near me.

These guys love me so much!

We are all in a poly relationship. We love each other very much and we make no differences between us. We all have everything we want, except one thing.

A child.

We all want a little daughter to take care of, to dress her up, teach her, spoil her, etc.

That would complete our family.

So today, we have decided to steal groceries from a meanie shopkeeper, who makes children work and starves them.

As soon as we completed breakfast, we took our guns, reloaded them, and set off with our bikes after changing into normal clothes.

You must be wondering why do we have to steal since we are billionares.

But you see, thats the more fun way than just walking in and paying.

Saving money is our top prirority, although we have enough money for 16 generations after us.

The shop was a deserted place, so we decided to be in teams and get the plan ready. It wouldn't draw much attention.

Me and Joon were in one team, Hoseok and Yoongi in another, and Tae and Jungkook and Jimin are in one

"Ready, love?"

Namjoon asked as I nodded my head, he then grasped my hand firmly and walked inside the store, as the others follow.

We started taking ramen, candies, spices, vegetables and everthing we need, while the other are also doing the same.

They better take Soju because it has been a while since I had a drink.

We both took huge carts and they were filled with groceries and stuff, and then we met each other at the cash counter where that bald man was chewing gum.

"My my, is there a party going on or what?"

He mocked, standing up and billing our things.

I rolled my eyes and Jimin signalled us to run, as he took the huge bags, Hoseok and Jungkook helping him.


The shopkeeper yelled as we ran outside, but the real fun is about to begin.

"Blow up!"

Yoongi yelled and the next instant, there was a huge blast and the whole shop was in flames.

Yes, Tae and Jungkook had placed the bombs.

We watched the man burning infront of our eyes, each one of us had a sinister smirk on our faces.

There is a reason why we are called the psychotic gang right?

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