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Marriage on weekends 5

Pragya busy in kitchen chores with her mother, her mother mute since evening, Pragya try to talk with her mother but she ignoring her..

Pragya comes to main point & ask to her mother- Amma it's too much now, will you please speak up with me..

Nandita not even looks to Pragya & says with rude tone- dinner is ready, serve yourself & eat, don't wait for me & your Apaa..

Pragya with sad tone- Amma, please don't talk with me rude..

Nandita look to Pragya with anger & says- what I do, if her daughter is married, she stays with her own husband only on weekends, & on week days she stays with her parents, marriage not a game Pragya..

Pragya- Maa, please don't start it again, & you know my condition, so please don't start same topic again & again..

Nandita- do you ever think, what society thinks about you..

Pragya cut her mother quickly & says- I do not think, what society shit of think about me or my family or my husband, I only care, what my parents & my family thinks about me..

Nandita- fifteen person rejected you for your stupid condition, Abhi is the one who accept you with your condition, & what you did, you leave his house for your stupid condition..

Pragya with stern voice- Amma that is not stupid condition, & I didn't leave my house, you know the my condition, Madhu Maa & Disha not understand it, then what is the my fault, ok then, what about you & Apaa, you both understand your daughter, no, you not even support me, you both think I'm behaving like kid, seriously Amma, do you really think..

Nandita leave the kitchen with half topic, Pragya throw spoon from her hand in basin with anger & she walks in her room with sound of door close..

They both exchange the garlands with each other with smile, he tie the Mangalsutra around her neck, pure a pinch of vermilion in her head, she accept him with whole heartily, while he pure vermilion in her head she close her eyes with happiness, they both signed in the register, family members too signed in register as witness, & magistrates declared they are couple..

Everyone came out from the magistrates office with smile..

Disha- Arora family & Mehera family, pay some attention to me..

They looks to her..

Disha continue- thanks to all for your attention..

Abhi cut her mid- comes to main topic..

Disha- hold on dude, so I arrange for us a lunch, near family restaurant, & newly Weds couple please you both, back to home evening, now you may please go & enjoy your day..

Abhi with irks tone- what! Maa..

Madhu- haan, she is right, both you guys go & enjoy your day together, Pragya's welcome ritual will be on evening only..

Abhi- we both are not invited for lunch with you guys..

Nandita- no..

Pragya- Amma!

Madhu- Pragya on evening we gonna meet, so go enjoy your day..

Abhi & Pragya nodded in yes, their parents walks from there, Disha still there, she staring them with smile..

Abhi touch Disha's arm, she stop smiling, Abhi ask her- what!

Disha- wish! I'm doing a job..

AbhiGya: Marriage On Weekend's..Where stories live. Discover now