Chapter 1

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At night in City X ,

The rustling wind swept across a small figure rolled up in the corner of the room, her naturally beautiful blue hair that was once envied by many, was now badly dishevelled to the point that it looked like nothing but a bundle of strings that was ruffled up.

Her beautiful jade like face had bruises and cuts because of the vigorous torture she faced for the past few months , only she knew the pain she was feeling now , her temperature was burning because of her high fever but those people were so heartless that they did not even give her enough water to survive.

Anne Halls wanted to die a long time ago but these people wouldn't let her die nor live peacefully. Suddenly the door flung open as a beautiful couple walked in who were known as the kind and generous couple and were a match made in heaven for the world but only Anna knew how much these people schemed and planned behind her back to get her to the position she now was in, the lady walked with an arrogant expression as she held her head high, she had blonde hair, a pair of fox like eyes, a pointy nose and full lips, she gave a seductive charm around her which would make every man to become head over heels for her , she was Anna's half sister Joannie whom she loved and spoiled, the man next to her was Ben Roberts who was Anna's seven years boyfriend whom she loved so deeply that she was willing to kill herself or anybody else, he was very handsome, with sharp eyes, beautiful lips and sharp jawline he looked like every women's dream boy but right now the expression he wore was that of disgust and annoyance as he looked at Anna.

Anna felt their gazes and looked up with her lifeless eyes and felt nothing but deep resentment and hatred in her heart. She asked in a hoarse voice which was due to not drinking enough water, she managed to say one word, " Why?!?". As Joannie and Ben looked at her in this state they laughed maniacally and Joannie said," Oh! My dear sister! how are you doing ? Looking at you in such a position I feel deeply satisfied, Ahh how I hope this would've happened earlier. I remember that you have not gone out for so many months you mustn't have known about the current chaos right?! Well, let me tell you, guess what? Now I am the heir to the Halls Corp. So what if I am an illegitimate daughter, right now people come to bootlick me, I have all your plans for the next 20 years and after that I will naturally hand over the company to my future child, the people who admired you now feel nothing but disappoint and hatred towards you, they despise you, UNDERSTAND!?!!!" she pulled Anna's hair and continued," Ben has loved no one but me this whole time, why would he even look at you?! " she looked at Ben and immediately changed her tone into an affectionate one and said," Right, Hubby?" Ben also looked at her as if she was the only one that existed for him and said in a loving voice," Of course baby!"

Anna looked at the people in front of her and wanted to cry but no tears were left in her eyes. Ben looked at Anna and then took out a gun and shot her with all the six bullets in the gun. Anna could feel the bullets piercing through her but the pain she felt in her heart was a million times more than that. In her last moments she thought of many things :
' Where did it all go wrong?
  Or was it wrong from the beginning?
  Did I not love them enough for them to kill me like this?
I pity myself to the point that I want to kill myself!
If I have another chance I will take my revenge and let them experience hell on earth!! '

And with the deep hatred she took her last breath.

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