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Lil recap 

I try to take a nap since that's the only I can right then being fucked by this man whore.

When I almost fell asleep I felt something pound into me. Ok that's all🙂

When I felt something pound into me I looked up and I saw the man whore having his dick inside of me.

Are you that fucking stupid i told you no like 7 times. You need to fucking listen.

I should have not said that now I'm gonna get fucked harder great👩🏽‍🦲👍

What did i say about ur little fucking attitude huh, the man whore asked me. 

Mira pendejo si tu  no me dejas quita te voy a dar un puño por la boca, i said.

Can you please talk a language i fucking know you stupid ass bitch. The man whore said

Oh if I'm bitch why the fuck would you fucking kidnapp me and rape me two times? I asked vending machine 

Oh I'm just using you for sex I don't really like you, i never had was all he said

Pendejo parrar ya tu tas encima dome si tu no me quieres chinga de la madre I told the man whore

What did you say? He asked me


Don't fucking yell at me you stupid bitch he said to me

Well its my mouth isn't it I believe its my mouth and you can't control now can you get the fuck off of me you stupid bitch. I said with attitude 

Ask nicely and i will get off of you and give you your stupid phone back he said too me.

Fine may you please get off me and can i have my phone back please. I did as he said

Sure anything for you princess.he told me

Kio go get her Clothes and phone please. He told one of his bodyguards I believe 

Yes sir. Kio said 

Yaaaa that's all byeeeeeee👩🏽‍🦲🦋👍

Word count: 325👩🏽‍🦲words

Byeee Julie loves you👩🏽‍🦲🦋

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