l left home long a time ago. l will go to the military now you are on my mind l dont know how many years
Since l havent seen you l can not forgot you its just us in the world
l fell in love with you first meeting there was only one person among crowds and people talking to a woman who loves her country really impessed me.l very indecisive about you when first met He came me then she look at me .sat next to me. tried say something. Tell me the truth have some one else your in your life? l said l only have one in my life get off some one back .l cannot take side in this agrement. call me when you get there no matter what time . let me guss .she is pragnant(hamile) l'll like to meet someone (seni biriyle tanıştırmak istiyorum) keep it real ( başkası olma)
Suit yourself( nasıl istersen) Have a nap (kestirmek)