Chapter 1

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Things have changed for the better, you are now in college enrolled in one of the most prestigious schools in your area which was part of the deal. It is not like you did not like Dalton, you liked it well enough the people there were nice, your grades were foremost the best in your department, and your dorm was in a safe secluded area more than many other girls could ask for. The problem was that nothing excited you anymore. You wanted the thrill, the exhilaration that came with being a young adult, you craved it.

"Artemis!" a voice shouted from behind you as you were walking through the campus to go back to your dorm. You looked behind you to see it was Eren.

"Well, isn't it nice seeing you," you grinned.

Eren Jeager was a good acquaintance of yours, he was not necessarily a friend as he has made always made his intentions very clear from the beginning. Undeniably, he was incredibly handsome with bright turquoise eyes that always had a clumsy mischievousness to them. His dark locks were pulled back in a messy pony tail his signature look.

"I could say the same for you," you roll your eyes at him and playfully slapped his bicep, he chuckles at you.

"What have I said about you flirting with me Jeager, sorry to hurt your humungous ego, but it will never happen," you stated as firmly as you can.

"You keep on saying that, but doesn't every angel deserve her wings," he smirked.

With a sly smile on your face, you leaned in, your breath hitting his ear "Why be an angel when you can be the devil," with the last whisper you slipped away.


The music was blaring. The house was stuffed with bodies grinding all over each other, the strong scent of alcohol and sweat instantly filled up your nostrils the second you stepped through the front door. You were invited by a friend of yours called Sasha she was known for her wild parties; the food and alcohol were very well the best part.

You shoved past the bodies and made your way to the kitchen where it was not too crowded. You grabbed a bottle of tequila and poured yourself a shot, swiftly downing the alcohol with ease. It was safe to say that you were incredibly bored, nothing attracted your attention a couple of boys came up to you and asked to dance but you politely declined. That was until you saw him.

Standing there awkwardly in the corner looking around. He had blonde curtains that would fall into his sharp blue eyes. He was wearing brown trousers, with a black hoodie which matched his black and white converse and what made him stick out even more was the pearls around his neck. You were intrigued. Not intrigued, fascinated. You reached in your purse and pulled out your compact mirror for any last touch ups, lip gloss was still glistening, eyelashes and eyeliner were looking pristine as always. The outfit you put on was simple, it consisted of a black flared jean trouser with a black and white patterned vest top paired with your trusty white converse.

The music was still booming through the walls, you made your way towards him until someone grabbed your arm. Irritated to see who it was, once again it was Eren.

He is really starting to annoy me.

Smiling through your teeth," Eren, nice to see you, what are you doing here."

"Am I not allowed to go to parties anymore? You wound me Artemis" he said dramatically with his hand on his chest.

"Trust me I would like to wound you, you make so incredibly hard not to," the irritation was oozing out of you.

He takes notice of this, "Someone's being bitchy, what happened to your good mood from earlier."

You ruined it.

Ignoring him you look around to look for the mysterious blonde with pearls, he was nowhere to be in sight.

"Who are you looking for- "

"Eren!" a voice interrupted.

It was him, the mysterious blonde you were just looking for seconds ago. Here he was right in front you with his shy, clumsy demeanor gently coaxing you.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but Eren I've been looking for you everywhere, I couldn't find you, so I texted you to find me over there, but you never did," he jabbered out pointing to the corner that grabbed your attention in the first place.

Realisation took over Jaeger's face," Oh shit! Sorry Armin I completely forgot."

Armin, so that was his name.

"Who's this," you ask Eren with a small smile.

Armin stuck his hand out "Hey, my name is Armin, I'm a close friend of this rascal over here." He smiled shyly.

You took his hand that was surprisingly incredibly firm," It's nice to meet you, I'm Artemis Reader," you winked at him a blush flushed his cheeks.

Throwing his arm around Armin, he grinned, "Armin has heard everything about you, angel."

You raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Good things I hope, I wouldn't mind getting to know Armin though," the sultriness in that sentence quietly slithered through. Armin looks at you again something shined in his eyes that you could not really depict. In general, you had quite the talent at reading people, it always did come in handy when it came to helping a friend or even getting yourself out of difficult situations but then again if you had not learned would you be here right now?

"I wouldn't mind that either." He said, you smiled.

Eren's voice broke through the building tension, "Well, now that you two are now fairly acquainted, I'm going to get a drink and possibly a blunt, Armin don't wait up" he waved as he disappeared into the crowd.

"Want to go outside for some fresh air," you gestured.

"Yeah, that would be great, it is quite stuffy in here."

Both of you were walking through the woods where the party was situated it was in a secluded area making hard it for the noise to disturb others – the perfect spot. It was dark, the sky was clear of any stars; the only light was the luminescence of the moon that was glaring down on us. The only noise was the distant beat of the music from the house, the light breeze of chilled air left goose bumps on your arms.

"So, Armin, how do you know Eren? if I am being honest with you, both of you seem like polar opposites," you said looking at him, "But then again, opposites attract, don't they."

"I have known Eren since I was a kid, I used to get bullied and I didn't really have the confidence to stand up for myself and Eren was always there behind me always fighting for me, protecting me," his eyes ocean eyes glimmered with gratitude as he was reminiscing. "I don't really like causing trouble, I like to stay quiet and Eren knows this so that's why I think he took it upon of himself to befriend me and be there for me, as you probably know he likes to get himself into trouble."

More than you know.

"I can definitely see little Jeager causing a horrendous amount trouble, but he wouldn't be Eren if he did not wouldn't he" you smiled.

Armin smiled back "No, no, he would not."

For the rest of the night as you and the blonde boy who wore pearls strolled through the woods, hearing his little laugh; noticing how shy and easily flustered he would get; you were no longer jaded, he had something you craved, that your soul called out to.


And you did not want to let it go, no matter what it took.

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