Camp Crystal Lake

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Danielle's POV:
The year is 1975, I'm in the forth grade now but if you ask me, it's not going so well. We just moved to a small town in Virginia and I haven't made any new friends here yet, I miss our old house and my old friends. Although my dad told me about this summer camp that he said I get to go to next week, he said I'll make a lot of new friends there and I hope he's right. The only thing that has really caught my attention in this new town is this boy in my class, his name is Jason. He looks kind of funny, I mean not in a bad way just different from everyone else. I wonder if he's going to the summer camp with me next week. I mean I still don't want to go but at least that would make it a little more interesting.

Jason's POV:
There's a new girl here that I haven't seen before, but she seems as though she doesn't like it here very much. Mommy said she'll probably be going to Camp Crystal Lake with me next week, I get to go every year because Mommy works as a cook there. The only thing I really don't like about going is that some of the other kids can be really mean, but I guess it's like that no matter where you go. I'm just wondering if the new girl would want to be my friend?

One week later

Author POV:

All the kinds that were going to be attending camp were dropped off at school and waited for the bus to pick them up and take them to Camp Crystal Lake. When the bus finally arrived they all boarded and began the two hour trip to the campgrounds, an anxious Jason looked at everyone who got on the bus to see if the new girl had gotten on. He was happy to find that she had but was sitting in the back row of the bus with her headphones in looking out the window, he didn't realize he was staring at her until she turned and made eye contact with him. Jason quickly turned around to face forward once again embarrassed that she had caught him looking at her. 

Danielle's POV:

I got on this stupid bus to go to this stupid camp that my dad is forcing me to go to, of course no one wanted me to sit with them so I just decided to listen to music until we got there. I couldn't help shake the feeling that I was being watched so I looked up from the window and saw that weird boy Jason staring at me, he quickly turned around when I saw him though, I wonder what all that was about.

Jason's POV:
Oh God, she saw me looking at her! She probably thinks I'm some kind of stalker now. Maybe I can try to explain what happened later when we get to camp, I just don't want her to think I'm a weirdo or anything. I just want to be her friend, I seen how the other kids were looking at her when she got on the bus. No one wanted to sit by her, I would've but Charlie already sat next to me blocking the way out. Oh well, there's still plenty of time to talk to her I mean we're gonna be at camp for 3 weeks. 

Author POV: The bus ride seemed as if it was taking forever for the both of them. Danielle wanting to get away from everyone and just get settled in her cabin, Jason on the other hand was ready to meet new people, especially the new girl who he learned her name was Danielle from Charlie on the bus. Once arriving to the camp all of the kids quickly got off the bus and were asked by the counselor to listen for their name to be called to find out which cabin they would be staying in and who their bunk mates would be. (Counselor 1): "Shaw, cabin 2" everyone went to find their backpacks while the counselors were telling everyone where they needed to go when Danielle finally heard her name being called (Counselor 2):"Beckett, cabin 6" Danielle was glad she finally knew where to go, she heard someone else's name being called to her cabin as well but she wasn't sure who is was. She just decided to check out the cabin herself, thinking if she got there first she would have the choice of which bed she got. She grabbed a map from one of the counselors and headed in the direction they told her, but upon arriving to her cabin marked "Cabin 6" she saw that the door was already opened, meaning she wasn't alone like she was hoping she would have been. Walking into the cabin she froze seeing the familiar face from before, it was him, Danielle got paired up with Jason. She decided to be friendly, since she didn't want to cause a scene. (Danielle):"Hi, it looks like we're gonna be bunk mates" she said with aa sweet smile, scaring Jason causing him to hit his head on the bed above him (Danielle):" Oh my gosh, are you okay? I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to" embarrassed Jason just gave her a little smile (Jason)": y-yeah, I'm alright. And it's okay you just got me back for earlier, I'm Jason by the way" neither of them knew why they were paired up, all the other cabins were only either girls or boys none of them being a girl and a boy like theirs. Danielle decided to get settled, choosing the bed directly across from Jason's. Sitting on her bed she started to unpack her bag, meanwhile Jason just watched her do so, once again Danielle looked up from what she was doing to find him looking at her, but this time she didn't feel weird about it at all.

Tied together with a smile: A Jason Voorhees love storyWhere stories live. Discover now