Chapter 1

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Today is my first test ride. If I screw this up, then they can kick me out of this school. It's a good thing I get to go with my best friend, Lea, because she actually has experience. Right now, she's curled up with her book in hand, not worrying about a thing. Meanwhile, I'm so nervous, it's a mystery as to why I haven't thrown up yet.

I just need to calm down. I'm sure everthing is going to be just fine. There's that feeling again... the one where it's almost like your body knows something is going to happen. I just hope it's something good this time, I don't think I can handle many more bad things right now.

"Hey girl. Are you ready to do this thing?" Lea asks, winking at me as she makes her way over to where I am pacing back and forth.

"I'm as ready as i'll ever be." I say, my voice quivering.

"Ella, you look like you're about to pass out. Sit yo butt down right now before I physically force you to." I sit down, knowing she really would probably sling me over her shoulder and throw me into a chair or something. This girl has got some force, but I love her for that. Lea is always there for me when I need her and I appreciate that from her.

"I honestly don't know what I would do without you, Lea."

"Honey, you would be dead already if it weren't for me." I laugh at her oversized ego. She always has this confidence to her, that I envy. It's probably the reason she gets all the guys while I sit at home, alone, on friday nights.

Not to mention her porcelain skin that seems to be unnaturaly smooth and her bright hazel eyes that clash perfectly with her black hair. She is stunning and I'm just....EW. I'll probably end up as an old maid, with 50 plus cats, but not from break ups. The cats will count as the number of rejetions I've recieved over the course of my lifetime.

I stand as I feel my nerves continuing to build up as it gets closer to the time for the test ride. I really might pass out. Everything starts to spin around me.

"Woah, darlin'. Hold up!" Lea practically yells as she reachs over to grab me before my knees give out. "That was a close one, you almost fell. Are you okay Ella?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just a little nervous, that's all." I say, panting as if I had just ran a marathon.

"Suuurrreee, you look like your just a little nervous." There was so much sarcasm oozing from that sentence that I'm suprised it didn't flood the whole room.

"I'll be fine." I tell her, knowing it's not true. I'm far from fine and it's gonna take quite a while for me to get back to that point.

Ding. Ding. Ding. The bell sounds, telling us it's time to go to the test room. My anxiety level is so high, I might have a panic attack on the way there.

"Seriously, Ella, calm down. This test is no big deal. You know how to ride a snow mobile, so this should be a piece of cake." Lea is trying to calm me down, but it's not working. What if I forget how to ride a snow mobile? Oh no. Now I'm even more nervous! This is just great!

As we walk to the test room, I try to take deep breaths, hoping that it may help a little bit.

"Now remember, stay with your partners at all times. Do not pass them, and help them if they are in trouble. Got it? Good. Now you should all know the rest of the drill and if you don't, then too bad." The instructor tells us as we all get onto our snow mobiles.

Our mission is to help people and if we think someone is worthy enough, then bring them back so we can train them so they can work for us. I just hope we can find some people that we can help.

Once the instuctor finishes her lecture, Lea and I head out.

"Ella, see! It's not that bad out here. You were worried for nothing." Lea screamed at me over the sound of the snow mobiles. So far we had helped three people and with each person we helped, my nervousness slipped away.

"Hey! I see a guy sitting on the side of the road over there who looks like he needs our help. I'm gonna go over there!" I inform Lea., my nervousness completly gone as I take control.

"Fine by me!"

I turn my snow mobile in the direction of the lonely guy sitting desperately on the side of the road. I see him stand as I make my way towards him. As I get closer I can start to make out exactly what he looks like. His hair is perfectly touseled. It's a dirty blonde color. His eyes seem to pop out and as I get closer, I see that they are light blue, almost transparent. This man has a chiseled chin with a hint stubble on it, almost as if it's been a day or two since he last shaved. He is very muscular and you can see the outline of a six pack through his slightly tight, red t-shirt. He also has on jeans that form at all the right places. I had come to a stop. The nameless guy begins to smirk. I then realize that I had been checking him out. Well, what can I say? He's gorgeous!

"Umm, I'm sorry. I just came to see if you needed any help." I stuttered.

He chuckles. "Not really, but it looks like you two might need some." I mentally smack myself in the face. I forgot that Lea had pulled up beside me and my guess is that she had been doing the same thing as me.

"Uh, Ella, can I talk to you over here?" Lea asks as she drags me away from the still nameless guys. "Okay, he is PERFECT. If we bring him back then we will defiantly pass this test."

I glance back at the guy, who is now staring in our direction. "Fine, but he is riding on my snow mobile. Okay?"

"Fine," Lea hesitantly agrees, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms like she always does when things don't go her way. We walk back over to where he is standing.

"So what is your name?" I ask, trying to sound confident.

"My name is Greg. What is your name?" He asks, a smirk making it's way back onto his lips. Oh, those lips... stop Ella! This is strictly business!

"I'm Ella. So here's the deal, you are coming with us."

"And to where, may I ask?" he seems like he's enjoying this.

Lea intervenes. "You will find that out once you get there, but under the code of law we are forbidden to tell you that information." That seemed to have shocked him a little bit.

"O-okay." he mumbles, suddenly looking at the ground as the smirk is wiped off his face.

I hop onto my snow moble at the same time Lea does and order Greg to get on the back of mine and hold on really tight. Honestly, I was looking forward to this ride.

"Don't mind if I do." Greg says, a smile taking over his face. I blush at his forwardness.

He climbs onto the back and holds me as tight as he can, almost suffocating me. "Can't. Breath. Need. Air." I tell him.

"Oh, sorry." He chuckles, placing his face into the crook of my neck. I can feel his hot breath and stubble on the back of my neck making it very difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

The entire ride back to the facility, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I defiantly should not feel this way! What has this boy done to me already?

So, I'm really excited about this story and even if I don't update for a month, then trust me, I will DEFINITELY still update! I have this entire story figured out (unless I get inspired to change it a little bit). Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, even if there is only a few of you who read it! Xoxo

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