2. Mystery Guy

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I woke up with a huge hangover, I groaned loudly before walking towards the bathroom.

"Tay hurry up, you're taking the bus to school!" My mother shouted. I sighed and said okay before slipping some skinny jeans on with a nice top. I grabbed my bag and walked out the house. Just before I knew it the bus pulled up. I sighed and got onto the bus.

Many different faces gleamed at me some giving me winks, some giving me hoots, and the girls well they gave me evil eyes. None of the girls wanted me to sit next to them  so I had to sit beside a guy. I took a seat beside a nice looking one, he didn't stop glaring at me the whole ride there. I sighed and couldn't wait for the ride to be over.

After I hopped off the bus I walked towards the main entrance. The school was pretty huge. I started to walk to the main office, where ever that may be. I started to around for it, then I run into someone.

I grunted as I almost fell, but strong arms caught me, I glared up. The guy that caught me had muscular arms and a wide grin. I smiled at him as he steadied me up, I couldn't help but notice a little stubble on his face, a lil simular to the guy that saved me last night. He was still holding me.......a lil weird......

"I'm okay, I can stand." I say a lil too quickly.  He let me go, noticing that he was still holding me.  He had nice perfect gray eyes, and his hair was stringed over his eyes.

"Ummm, do you know where the main office is located?" I ask him, keeping my focus from his eyes. He nodded his head.

He didn't say anything but he lead the way, I followed close beside him so I wouldn't get lost. He pointed to a door that read main office on it. 

"Thanks." I say as I opened the door to it. I signed in and received my schedule. Right.....another set back, trying to find my classes. I groaned and walked out the office, I glared up to see him still standing there.

"Ummmm, aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked him.

He still didn't say a word but he only grasped my schedule and started to walk, I followed him, a lil confused. He stopped in front of a classroom and pointed onto the schedule.

"Oh, uhhh thanks."

He opened the class door, I walked in. Eyes stared at me closely.

"You must be a new student, hey I am miss Edwards, I will be your math teacher.  Go and take any seat you want."

I nodded my head and went towards the back of the classroom and took a seat beside two guys. They eye balled me.

"So...you're new here?" One of them asked me.

"yes I am." I say.

"Nice....where are you from?"

"From EastWood." I say.

He snickered a lil and nodded his head.

"What is your name?"

Why is this dude talking to me?

"My name is Taylor, but just call me Tay." I respond.

"Well my name is Griffin."


The teacher turned the lights off, showing a PowerPoint. I started to take down notes.

Throughout the whole PowerPoint I kept feeling Griffins eyes slide up and down my body.  Please hurry up bell. She cut the lights back on and issued out homework. I felt comfortable when that bell rang. I stood up and escaped the classroom, but I felt a hand grab my arm before I walked out the classroom door completely and pulled me back into the class. I turned around and there he was the mystery boy from the main office. He was in my class?? He grabbed my schedule again and started to walk somemore. I followed close behind him until he stopped in front of another clasroom. He walked in first, the man that was seated behind the desk looked familiar, then I realized he was. He was one of those guys from last night. I gulped, he recognized me also cause he grinned.

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