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Eddie was in VR, playing with the rest of The Boys. They were all joking and messing around like hypocrites. There was one thing stuck on his mind though... Gabriella... He'd not spoken to his soon-to-be wife for an entire week. He's been worried ever since the fight...

 Eddie had called Narrator and Juicy as he trusted them the most. Juicy would comfort Eddie throughout the week and would boost his confidence to speak to her about the fight, but Eddie couldn't find the guts to even look at her.

 Now, today it is Friday, and he and the others need to make a new video for . But how could he focus and not zone out during the video? Only two of the members knew about his fight. Narrator and Juicy knew, but he couldn't open up to Josh nor Mully.

Eddie slowly zoned out, hyperventilating with his mic and camera off. The Boys were confused yet spoke to each other about what their new video should be. But, there was one thing Eddie couldn't wrap his head around...

~Flashback: The Fight~

"What the hell Gabby?!" He looked down upon his gashed wrist. Another plate hit the ground. "W-Why are you doing this?!" None of their fights ended this badly. Just then, a plate was thrown directly at Eddie's skull. Quickly, Eddie leaped to the ground, only just missing the plate.

"YOU NEVER SPEND TIME WITH ME ANYMORE!!" She spat at him viciously. She was about to grab a knife but restrained herself. Eddie was in pure shock and fear. Meanwhile, Gabby was in a pure state of rage.

Eddie struggled to stand and noticed his bleeding heel. One of the plates shattered into his right leg. She calmed down and looked up at Eddie, who was wincing. Her eyes widened in shock o her actions... "Eddie... I-" She came to a halt when Eddie spoke back.


Eddie limped to his room and called Juicy, locking the door and silently sobbing. It took a few rings for Juicy to pick up, immediately hearing him crying.

"Eddie, are you okay?" Eddie moved to his bed, staggering to his bed with a whimper. "Eddie? Are you hurt? Injured? I-I can call the ambulance!"

"N-No, Juicy... I'm... Fine... It was just a..." Eddie paused, trying to fish the words out of his throat... It was definitely not a normal fight. It's not normal for fights to escalate into pain and abuse... Because... That's a toxic relationship. Either way, Eddie responded simply with "small fight..."

"With who?" He asked seriously. He could sense the worry in his voice, slowly breaking his act. "Eddie, you need to tell me... It'll be between the both of us. I promise...

"O-Okay... Me and Gabriella got into a fight... I didn't expect it to escalate so quickly, but... It did..." His arm trembled as he remembered his wrist was bleeding. He was slowly losing blood, but not enough to kill him. Blood was near the door from his leg and blood dripping hand. Then he passed out.

~End of Flashback~

Eddie snapped back into reality, tears dripping down his face... He remembered it so vividly... "Eddie?" Josh asked with a stern face. Eddie quickly rubbed the tears off his face.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine! Uh, why?" Eddie chuckled lightly, looking at each of the members through the screen.

"Well, we're recording in 15 minutes, so we're going to need a few more ideas." Josh responded simplistically.  Eddie let out a relieved sigh, grinning weakly behind the screen. 'Maybe today won't be bad'. Oh how wrong he was...


Sorry the chapter ended off this short. This is a Prologue, which I used to try and get you to know what the story and context is from. Thank you.

(PS. This is my first book, so it won't be the best. I'll try to release more FF's soon. If you want, you can recommend a ship you like in The Boys fandom.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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