Kuroo x reader

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          Karoo x reader

You get a DM from lanky_kuroo on Instagram     
                for short I am putting kuroo

Kuroo: oya oya oya
                                                              Hi? :Itz_y/n

Kuroo: sorry this is all of
            All sudden but I saw
           you on Instagram
            And I was bord lol

                                                    Oh yeah I :Itz_y/n
                                                    Guess it's been
                                                    boring with this
                                                      quarantine lol
Kuroo: yeah. So how
            are you doing?

                                           I am good hbu :Itz_y/n

Kuroo: good...So
            I guess we
            Should get to
            Know each other

                                              Yeah I guess :Itz_y/n
Kuroo: so how old r u
             I am 17

                                               I am 16 I am :Itz_y/n
                                                  almost 17

Kuroo: nice lol

                AFTER A MOUTH OF TALKING
                YOU GUYS DECIDED TO MEET.

Kuroo: where are you?

                                            I am sitting by :Itz_y/n
                                            the park on at
                                                   a table

                              IN REAL LIFE

    You look up to see a tall person who looks 
    better then real life then in FaceTime. You blush to much showing it. Hey chibi chan kuroo
       said. He chuckles at you because your     
          blushing. You cover your face with     

   So want to go get some food? kuroo says.
           Sure where are we going to eat?
There's this place with really good steak Kuroo    
  says.Does it have any salads I am craving for
    salad.Yeah I am pretty sure they do. Kuroo      

                       AT THE RESTRAINT

This place is nice. There food is really good to!!
       Yeah I love coming here.kuroo says.
So what do you want to do after? Kuroo says.
   I think we should go take a walk in the part.
            Ok that sound good! Kuroo says


Thinking in your head you think kuroo is really
   hot. I want to hold his hand. You pull kuroo
   over to the water so you can hold his hand.
After showing him the fish in the water you still
  hold his hand. He blushes hard core. You look
   up at him. Are you sick teasing him. You put
your hands cheeks to pretend your checking if he's hot. He blushes more. He looks at you and
  you smile with your eyes close in a cute way.
   Kuroo grabs you wast and pulls you in for a
  kiss. You open your eyes in surprise and kiss  
                                him back.

Kuroo pulles away. Sorry I to ahead to myself.
   You grab him and kiss him again. You pull     
   away saying it's ok. You guys kept walking
                      while holding hands.

                       AT KUROOS PLACE
Your eyes widen as you look at his nice house.
    It's so nice in here!! Thanks. Kuroo says.
He shows you around and you go in his room    
   to play video games. Why do you have so
many games? My friend Kenma plays them so
   I got some so we can play together. Kuroo   

You lean on him falling asleep. He looks down and sees you sleeping. He lays next to you and kisses you on the forehead.

Waking up the next day you guys are cuddling.      
Your the only one awake and you didn't want
to wake up kuroo. You lay there until he wakes
    up. Good morning chibi chan! Kuroo says.
   Good morning did you sleep good? Yes did
                      you? Kuroo says. Yes.

you get up offering to make breakfast for him.
   He said yes so you made eggs bacon and
toast. You where marking the plates and kuroo
comes around and grabs you by the waste.
  He puts his head on your shoulder and you
start to blush. You hand him his plate. Thank
you he says. He sits at the table waiting for
                   you to sit down as well.


   So... how was the food? You ask. Good it's
better then mine.kuroo says while laughing a
little. You guys have a nice conversation for a
while. So what do you want to do today? Kuroo
ask. Hmmm maybe watch a movie? Sure what
    movie? Kuroo ask. You pick. Kuroo picks a   
movie on Netflix but a scary one not knowing
you don't like scary movies. After a while there
   was a juniper scar and you hold onto kuroo. You ok chibi chan? Kuroo ask. I don't like scary movies while holding onto kuroo still. He hugs you and says sorry. He changes the movie and he gets up to make lunch. Kuroo makes BLT's. Getting up putting you head on kuroo back.



Look at all of the cherry blossoms trees. You say while looking up. Kuroo grabs your chin then you waste. I know it's only been a few days but I really-. He stops from you kissing him. Breaking the kiss and saying I love you to. Kuroo kisses you with passion.will you be my girlfriend y/n? Kuroo says. You hug him and say YES!!

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