13. The one I saved

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"Scars remind us where we've been. they don't have to dictate where we're going." -David Rossi

I woke up in a dark and cold room facing a video camera. I slightly choked on the gag and I tried to get a sense as to where I was. a loud bang brought me from my thoughts and I looked behind the camera and saw a black figure walking towards me. I struggled against the restraints as he stepped closer. him stepping into the dim light only confirmed it was, in fact, the man I saved from the train. landing in the hands of a creeps never my favorite situation. he had complete control over me. "hey doll." he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "its time you learn how treat a man." he slapped me and I closed my eyes, hoping my team noticed my absence. 

At the BAU:

Garcia'c computer lit up and a video was attached to the file. she gathered her team and they circled round the screen. she clicked it and found it was a live feed of me. I had a few minor scratches and bruises and I looked so tired. I looked up at the camera with pleading eyes. "what's she doing?" Derek tilted his head and pointed at the screen. working against the restraints, I moved my wrist to the right three times, then three slow times to the left, and three again. Spencers eyebrows scrunched together until it finally hit him. 

"she's telling us something! Garcia track her location with that watch. its the one I bought her for our anniversary." his voice got low at the last sentence. "got it! it's at a house that's been vacant for almost 5 years." they grabbed their coats and prepared to leave. "guys" Garcia stood in the doorway. "bring our girl back home." they all nodded and left the BAU to save me from the man I saved. 


he had opened my shirt and started landing several punches to my face. off camera, he told me about his accomplice and how he texted him to crash the train 20 minutes after my denial of his request on letting him have the seat. I could handle the multiple blows and let him ride out his anger. he tried to bring himself to finish his plan but every time he went to touch me he pulled away. my laugh was muffled through the gag. he couldn't do the things he so desired to do. "you won't do it." I spat. he had taken my gag out after listening to my inaudible noises me letting him know it was a mistake. 

"I saved you from the train and that's why you can't do it." some of my hair fell into my mouth as I leaned forward to yell at him. "shut up!" he yelled back. he paced across the room and tried thinking out his next move. I didn't know, but Garcia had been watching the whole time. when I looked at the red flash of the camera, I saw it flash in the same pattern of three's I had done with my wrist. 

I smiled, showing my blood-stained teeth. "you won't kill me. you can't bring yourself to do it." I let out a breathy laugh. "you can't-" I was interrupted with him shoving the barrel of the gun down my throat , immediately shutting me up. Garcia watched in horror and I just stay emotionless. he cursed at himself before backing away and removing the gun. something inside him fueled his eyes. I saw something I hadn't seen in them before. he licked his lips  and pulled out a knife froths pocket, immediately cutting my exposed bra. a silent tear went down my cheek and he immediately crashed his lips into mine. 

I tried turning my head to the side but he held my against him with the threat of his knife. h slowly reached his hand down my bare stomach before the door was kicked in, the light blocking whoever stood there. 

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